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luminous00's avatar

Any success stories with beating OCD and severe anxiety?

Asked by luminous00 (350points) March 28th, 2008
8 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

This past year and a half has been a bitch, it all started with being diagnosed with HPV, then snowballed into extremely low self-esteem, which in turn has now ruined my ability to be in a relationship. Now all I’m doing is hooking up with girls (telling them up front that I have HPV), and dropping them a week later. I hate it, my number is steadily climbing, and all I really want is a steady girlfriend. My psychologist believes I’m still not over what happened a year and a half ago, and that’s the source of everything. It’s ramped my OCD up so bad that everything triggers it, and with that causes anxiety so bad that I sweat like crazy. I’m also on Wellbutrin, which isn’t really helping….at least I don’t think it is, or maybe it’s one of those things where it really was working but you think it’s not…who knows, help?

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hehe888us's avatar

I feel your pain…I too suffer from anxiety and my cousin from OCD. It is good you are seeing a psychologist, that will help greatly! As far as anxiety goes I find it helps to do 10 deep breaths when you feel an attack coming on (a lot of times we forget to breath!) and also I have started taking Fish Oil (Omega 3) supplements wich seem to really help me not harp on things. Most people that have OCD and Anxiety have a Seratonin defficiency ehich is a chemical in the brain. When it is low you can have mood swings, feel very anxious, sad and desperate at times. Fish oil has been proven to aid in Seratonin production and that may help too. I haven’t had an attack in almost 2 years now (knock on wood).

Is your HPV the kind where you have symptoms or are you just a carrier? The good news is that they are coming out with a vaccine for women, so it is possible if you find the right girl, she could get vaccinated and then you could have sex safely! I hope you can find some peace, anxiety is so hard to deal with.

hehe888us's avatar

Also try Lexapro if the Wellbutrin isn’t helping…I think Wellbutrin is better for quitting cigarettes or alcahol, but I am not a doctor so don’t take my word for it. I used Lexapro and was able to wein myself off of it once my confidence was restored.

luminous00's avatar

So you successfully weened off everything then? I’ll need some sort of benzo if I want to ween off Wellbutrin, since from what I understand, is not possible to cut in half (since the pill technology that allows to be slowly released is in the coating). And I had symptoms and got them taken care of a year ago, but I believe it’ll always be there.

God, what I wouldn’t give to have my confidence back. Hell, I’d even give anything to forget what this anxiety feels like, so its not constantly being recalled whenever I feel better.

monsoon's avatar

I find that caffeine seems to trigger anxiety attacks for me. I found out after having OCD and anxiety attacks for years that my dad has had the same problems, and he told me that he figured this out for himself. Anyway, I don’t know if that’s common, but once I cut caffeine completely from my diet, I almost completely stopped having anxiety attacks.

hehe888us's avatar

Yes I was able to ween myself off of the perscription medication. Also not drinking caffeine does help a lot too, pretty much stay away from ANYTHING that will make you jittery. I also found massage therapy to work wonders. I had an attack that last for 5 days and after the massage it went away. Don’t worry, you will eventually be able to find what trigger’s it exactly and stay away from those things and you will feel better again and back to your normal self…just keep thinking positively if you can and tell yourself everthing is going to be okay, because it will be!! I hope I have helped a little I totally feel for you!

Carol's avatar

Wellbutrin can make anxiety more intense.

shoetrumpet's avatar

I have OCD and GAD and Wellbutrin made it all worse. I ramped down the Wellbutrin and now I’m doing okay on Zoloft. I have Klonapin that I take when an attack happens. It’s highly addictive and not for everyone but it is necessary for me sometimes.

answerjill's avatar

Wellbutrin is not a great idea for OCD. Once, my doctor doubled my Wellbutrin and I became an anxious mess – even more anxious than I was before. Are you seeing a doctor who truly understands the disorder? You probably need Prozac or another SSRI, but ocd people usually need a larger dose of P than do those who are depressed. For more info see -Best of luck!

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