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thundermonkey09's avatar

11:11 signals are driving me nuts! What does it mean?

Asked by thundermonkey09 (39points) September 21st, 2010
46 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Every time I turn to look at the time its always 11:11. This has been happening to me for a couple of weeks and it has me tripping. I thought it was only me tripping about this but a couple of my friends have said that it is also happening to them. They also say that every time they walk under a street light the lights go off. Has this happen to anyone rather than me and my friends?

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cockswain's avatar

That’s really weird because my wife has the same experience. She said it’s usually when she’s in a pleasant mood or something good happened, she’ll see a clock with that time. I thought little of it, but the fact this happens to someone else is uncanny. It’s also the name of a Rufus Wainwright song.

Coloma's avatar

It’s supposed to be a sign that you are spiritually ‘open’ and in process of an evolving consciousness. It happens, and shows the power of thought as well, when totally receptive on a subconscious level.

We DO create our own reality.

We see and get, what we want to see and get, when we want to see it and get it. lol

cockswain's avatar

@Coloma Why? Time is artificial and dependent on your time zone.

Illuminat3d's avatar

You’re one of those David Icke followers aren’t you?

thundermonkey09's avatar

@Illuminat3d nah, I dont even know who that is?

Vortico's avatar

Humans are terrible at understanding statistics and probability.

Randy's avatar

It means you glance at the clock at 11:11… It means nothing other than that. It’s merely a coincidence.

COINCIDENCE- An event that might have been arranged although it was really accidental.

It doesn’t mean that you have super powers. It doesn’t mean that you have an “internal” clock. It doesn’t mean that your crush is in love with you. It doesn’t mean that your magic. It doesn’t mean that your a demon. It doesn’t mean that you can shoot lightning bolts out of your hands. It doesn’t mean that you can walk on water. It doesn’t mean that you can read peoples minds. It doesn’t mean that you are better than anyone else.

It DOES mean that you have eye balls and a clock and it means that you use both of those things. That’s about all it can and will mean.

thundermonkey09's avatar

@cockswain this happens to me whether am happy or sad, it doesnt really matter my mood. Has your wife ever tried to see what it means?

cockswain's avatar

She has no real explanation beyond the fact that she has noticed she feels she’s thinking her life is going well or is on the right path and then observes that’s the time. She doesn’t insist there is necessarily some spiritual cosmic thing going on there, nor does she rule out the possibility.

thundermonkey09's avatar

@cockswain thats exactly what I think. Sometimes I think and ask myself if im doing the right things in life, if im going on the right path.

cockswain's avatar

Yeah, I don’t get it. I’m interested in what @Coloma has to say since she’s heard of this too.

Lorenita's avatar

I’ve been seeing 11:11 everywhere… or 12:34 or 222, 333, 444 .. for about three weeks now.. I dunno what the hell either.

majorrich's avatar

It’s the Aliens slowly taking control testing how they can control the implanted digital circuits they planted into out brains whilest we were sleeping. Bwahahahaha.

buckyboy28's avatar


Coloma's avatar


I meant that when someone’s in tune, they are in tune, not on clock time….. in synch with a greater measurement, open to a higher frequency of exposure.

cockswain's avatar

But why would the time on a clock be a connection to people in tune? Why would multiple people see this time when the time on that clock varies by where you are geographically, so therefore isn’t some truly synchronous event for these people?

I’m not attacking you at all, I’m curious why you’ve heard about this number and why others are experiencing it too.

mrrich724's avatar

well maybe b/c every other time you look, it would be impossible to find a match like that. since the first digit doesn’t go past 1. and there is never a time when all digits are 00:00.

so you only notice it when it’s 11:11, but really you look at it alot more often. . . i’m guessing it means you need to do something to stop being so bored that you are looking at the clock often enough to notice it that many times.

mrentropy's avatar

Try winding up your watch.

Coloma's avatar


Forget the time ref. what I mean is that when ones mind is open, really open, as in in between the programming, conscious on a subtle level, that frequency draws in attunement with synchronicities and a heightened awareness coming into play.

11:11 is evidence of a receptive sub conscious where mysteries abound.

Vortico's avatar

Superstition is a credulous belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge.

It’s been around for thousands of years. Can our society now be intelligent enough to disregard it?

cockswain's avatar

@Coloma I get that, so it makes sense any given individual could have a natural cyclical reason that causes that individual to be keyed into a specific time. Sort of like naturally waking up at a certain time or other similar biorhythms. However, what is perplexing is why multiple individuals including my wife have keyed into this particular time.

Also I wish people would stop adding comments without reading the thread at all. I’m as pragmatic as they come yet have enough anecdotal evidence to find this unusual.

Pandora's avatar

LOL, It has happened to me a few times. The time has never lead up to any catastrophic event. Mine use to be 3:33. Damn it! Now it will probably start up again.
The human body has an internal clock. And you can subconciously set yourself up to look at the time at exactly that time.
For instance. No matter what time I go to bed. I can set my body to wake me up before the alarm rings. If I know I have to be up by 5 am exactly, or 4:45, I will repeat the time in my head several times before falling asleep. I could’ve gone to bed at 11pm or 1 am or even 2 am and still wake up before my alarm rings. Usually 1 minute before it goes off and be wide awake.

cockswain's avatar

@Pandora How do you explain more than one person keying into this time? I suppose every time should have an equal number of people keyed into it.

Ben_Dover's avatar

When is your b-day? 11–11 could also be a poke at folks with heavy 2–11 tendencies.

It is also Veteran’s Day.

bob_'s avatar

It means absolutely nothing. People look at their watches many, many times, but only remember those times deemed “special”. They’re not.

cockswain's avatar

Jesus Christ I wish someone would address the point I’ve made.

bob_'s avatar

@cockswain As others have said, it’s about probability and statistics. Pure coincidence.

Ben_Dover's avatar

@cockswain It is not coincidence at all. It is a message of love from the creator of the universe.

cockswain's avatar

@bob_ Maybe that is all it is. Seems unusually coincidental for me to know at least one other person who knows that specific time.

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Randy's avatar

@cockswain because people like symmetry. It’s been proven that people like things even. The time 11:11 is the only time on a digital clock where there are numbers in all four spaces that match so it’s deemed “special”. People take extra notice to it. Other people tune into times that have the same numbers but are their favorite number or some other reason. None of those times are special and people looking at the clock at those times means nothing no matter how much people want them to.

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Pandora's avatar

@cockswain, I think numbers like 11:11 or in my case 3:33 just stand out, because they are numbers that are repeating. Could also be that when he told his friends of the time that their subconcious mind just picked it up. Like the way you can suggest a food craving. That is what commercials do. They tap into your subcouncious and suggest you want a big juicy burger. I’ve watched a few really good ones and for days, I want that really juicy burger, whether I am hungry or not. It won’t leave my mind till I have that burger.
As for his lamp light thing. I once experienced that and one day (I use to rent apartments) I had to call the city to fix a lamp light because it would go off.
He told me that in some places after a certain time of night that the lights would be on a timer and would turn off for a while to conserve energy. Especially if the street light wasn’t the only source of light. If buildings near by had flood lights that would light the area pretty well.
It could also be the cause of just faulty wiring where they live.
Or just a random odd occurance. They do happen too.

cockswain's avatar

@Randy @Pandora I’m inclined to believe those answers as the most reasonable explanations.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

@thundermonkey09 ..You’re just now noticing it? :) Jung called it synchronicity. One person sees it, then another…that is also synchronizing the collective unconscious. If we can all collectively begin to see one number…then what else can we do together?

I first heard of 11:11 in 1981 when I was a wee bairn. My friend said that he had noticed that when he saw the clock it always read “11:11”. From that moment, each time I would happen to glance at a clock (except when I needed to know the time, of course) it was 11:11 and it has happened for all these decades. I had actually had a mystical experience around that time that changed my life totally. Many say that 11:11 has to do with us being in the “eleventh hour” of our existence as we know it (as we know it) on the planet. It’s a wake-up call.

Here is a link to a very compelling movie coming out soon…..a lot of people are waking up….11:11 is just the tip of the iceberg:

chocolatechip's avatar


There are 6 billion people on this planet. There way less than 6 billion combinations of digits on your digital clock. It’s not surprising at all that multiple people take notice of the same set of digits. Also, what @Randy and @Pandora said.

augustlan's avatar

We’ve actually discussed this a few times here, both the clock issue and the ‘streetlights always go out’ issue. It happens to a lot of people, and at first, everyone tends to think it’s some kind of sign or special power they have. The most likely explanation seems to be that we just don’t notice the (far more frequent) instances when we look at the clock and it is not 11:11, or walk under a streetlight that stays on. We tend not to notice the mundane.

iLove's avatar

The easiest thing to do is Google it. There is a lot of information here to read. I believe in the significance of 11:11. It has often appeared to me during times of spiritual growth.

If you (or your wife) are spiritual, it may hold significance to you. Otherwise, it is just a coincidence.

chocolatechip's avatar

11:11 is symmetric, but that’s about it.

11:27:30.45833 is actually a lot more interesting, since the fraction of seconds elapsed since the previous second is the same as the fraction of minutes elapsed since the previous hour which is the same as the fraction of hours elapsed since the previous day (for a 24 hour clock).

cockswain's avatar

@chocolatechip I hear you, and wrote above I accept @Randy and @Pandora‘s explanations. However, I don’t personally know 6 billion people (it’s actually 7 billion now I think) so what are the odds of me knowing now 3 people that have mentioned this phenomena? Admittedly smaller and increasingly less likely, but still possible. That was what made me suspect something unusual, the odds of me hearing about several people keyed into 11:11. But I don’t think it’s supernatural.

majorrich's avatar

When I was a kid, The Amityville Horror came out and for weeks it seemed every time I woke up for middle of the night whiz it was 3:15, which was a key element in the film. That movie scaired the bejeebers out of me on so many levels. The (probably only a couple, but memorable) 3:15 incidents just stand out in my memory.

chocolatechip's avatar

When I learned about pi in school, it seemed like every time I woke up in the middle of the night it was 3.14. It was awesome.

Illuminat3d's avatar

“You’re just now noticing it? :) Jung called it synchronicity. One person sees it, then another…that is also synchronizing the collective unconscious. If we can all collectively begin to see one number…then what else can we do together?
I first heard of 11:11 in 1981 when I was a wee bairn. My friend said that he had noticed that when he saw the clock it always read “11:11”. From that moment, each time I would happen to glance at a clock (except when I needed to know the time, of course) it was 11:11 and it has happened for all these decades. I had actually had a mystical experience around that time that changed my life totally. Many say that 11:11 has to do with us being in the “eleventh hour” of our existence as we know it (as we know it) on the planet. It’s a wake-up call.
Here is a link to a very compelling movie coming out soon…..a lot of people are waking up….11:11 is just the tip of the iceberg:"


I dream of the day when Humanity will go past these kinds of nonsense.

basstrom188's avatar

I used to wake up at 4:09 every morning how crazy is that?

Spidermanrulezzz's avatar

Coincidence. ik it probably seems kind of creepy but unless someone dies or something i wouldn’t be too worried about it.

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