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Deja_vu's avatar

Are you happy?

Asked by Deja_vu (4157points) September 24th, 2010
27 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

Seriously! I want to here happy stories from happy people and their happy lives. If you’re not happy what will help you be happy?
What makes you happy?

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partyparty's avatar

Yes I am very happy. Thanks for asking.
I have my family and my dogs. What more could I ask for?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Right now I’m satisfied. That makes me happy.

iammia's avatar

I’m Happy….It’s Friday and I’m meeting family i haven’t seen for years this weekend. A long family dispute that hopefully will be forgotten about by Monday After which we can all get along and be in each others lives again :D

thekoukoureport's avatar

Happy happy joy joy
happy happy joy joy
all work and no play make homer something something

harple's avatar

Actually, right now I’m terrified! I have 3 weeks left down south, then I’m moving to pastures new (well, returning there, so not so new) where I will be working for myself again, which will take time to build up… Life is about to get very, very hard, but I am so so happy about it!

Deja_vu's avatar

@harple Good for you! Working for yourself is very hard, yet awesomely satisfying! I think it’s harder to work for yourself than anyone else! I’ve done it, and I know! Kudos!

Blackberry's avatar

I’m not happy at the moment, but I have a lot to be happy about. I will most likely be more happy when I get off work.

You want a happy story? I was married to a cu*t dictator who ran my life and finances, when I divorced her, I was in a considerable amount of debt for me. One of credit cards is paid off and now, finally, one of my loans is paid off as well. I’m getting there!

Deja_vu's avatar

@ucme I adore Droopy.

ucme's avatar

@Deja_vu Oh Droopy is awesome, see my answer here. :¬)

AmWiser's avatar

Yes, I’m happy and as I’ve said before….I insist on it!

Happiness is mostly a byproduct of doing what makes us feel fulfilled.
– Dr. Benjamin Spock

BoBo1946's avatar

um mm…well, my Mother said I was a happy child…and I’ve not changed.

muppetish's avatar

Yes, I am happy :) Yesterday I got to hear my best friend laugh for the first time in months. It was a joyous occasion.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

I am happy, it’s friday am gonna spend my friday inside watching youtube videos and relaxing.

CMaz's avatar

Sure, why not. For now.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar


Jude's avatar

Getting there.

ZEPHYRA's avatar


YARNLADY's avatar

Yes. Years ago I made a pledge to my self to be happy every single day for the rest of my life, and so far I’ve kept it.

wundayatta's avatar

I’m feeling positive, which is a big change over the last few years. Is this what happiness feels like? Well, I choose to say it is. I am not worrying about whether people love me; I know it. I am not worrying about how good I am; I get positive feedback from others often enough to believe it. I’m not worried about how good a musician I am; it’s enough to know that people want to play with me.

There are friends I have reconnected with; a job I started contributing to; messes cleaned up. My family is much more stable. We are capable of doing things other than just putting one foot in front of another. We can dance! Even with great sadness over the loss of several people who have been very close to me, I am happy. Sad, but happy. The world is going on, and I’m still with it.

Frenchfry's avatar

Pretty much happy and content here.

Berserker's avatar

I’m not, but it could be worse. I’m like a vulture, I take what I can get. SCREEECH!

luckywong's avatar

i have a satisfied jod, a lived husband and parents.

maggiechen55's avatar

not very happy.
in my opinion,life is always full of half sadness and half happiness.

Coloma's avatar

Happy. Tired, but happy. lol

wundayatta's avatar

Maybe I shouldn’t have said how I’m doing. I remember when I was depressed, it hurt to hear other people were happy because it seemed like such an impossible thing. Now I know it’s possible, but I also know there are other people who don’t believe it’s possible. My heart aches because I know there is nothing I can say to make them believe it is possible. It’s like standing on a shore, looking at an island, knowing there’s no way you can get there. It seems like everyone else is on that island.

markylit's avatar

I am happy coz i am home meeting family and friends after a long time.

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