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toolaura4ya's avatar

Why do we lose freedoms as a result of safety?

Asked by toolaura4ya (275points) March 29th, 2008
9 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Time and time again we lose freedoms in the name of safety. Smoking of cigarettes has been banned in all public areas, why do I lose a freedom because of a potential of disease? I know its harmful to others but why can’t there be designated smoking bars and restaurants?

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Riser's avatar

Do you live in California?

BioTechWarrior's avatar

Second hand smoke can carry on air drafts and cause diseases even if its gone a mile away. Also it catches onto clothing and furniture and such which would then be transferred to someone else resulting in them getting the disease

iSteve's avatar

Bio, where on earth are you getting your information?!!

I agree, smokers are being discriminated against!!!

FlutherMother's avatar

Thus begins the debate about your freedom to smoke and my right to not be forced to inhale nasty chemicals and smell like a day-old ashtray. Actually, I am very surprised that there aren’t more safe places to smoke in bars and restaurants. I suppose that it is because no matter how they are separated, smoke tends to waft over to the non-smoking side. It would be wonderful if someone could invent something that would allow smokers to smoke wherever they want but would not affect anyone around them in anyway. Then everyone would be happy.

In reality, total freedom is an illusion. In order to live together on this crowded planet, we have to have rules. We can’t have people running around doing whatever they please without regard to other people or to society as a whole. Do we go overboard at times? Yep! Consider trying to get through airport security. However, no matter what we do, someone’s “right to do whatever” will be impinged upon. So whose right is more right and whose freedom is more important? I doubt that we will ever fully be able to answer that one.

buster's avatar

i dont want to wear a helmet.

mcbealer's avatar

@ buster, that’s very funny. You remind me of my father-in-law who lives in ME, is 80 some, and refuses to wear his seatbelt and/or helmet-whether he’s driving or riding. And of course, no helmet laws up in ME.

What troubles me about the shift in public policy with smoking bans is that now people are sucessfully suing their neighbors because their neighbor smokes outside and the air wafts over onto their property. I mean, where will it end?

What about people who smoke in their vehicles and pull up beside you at a traffic signal in the summertime when your windows are down? That happens to me all the time, and although I smoke, I don’t smoke in my car, nor do I want my son breathing it in, so just move up if possible, or roll up the window…

Maverick's avatar

Unfortunately, smokers have demonstrated that are to stupid to make a simple, intelligent decision such as to not smoke because its killing them. Therefore, society is forced to implement laws that restrict their ability to harm others through their actions. That is why laws that take away your “freedom” to smoke in public are required, because clearly these people are unable to make rational, intelligent decisions in consideration of others. Your rights end when they encroach on the rights, safety, or health of others. Smokers need to grow up and move on. Ever hear of the Patriot Act, yeah, that’s removed actual freedoms, maybe you might want to think about that a little instead.

Poser's avatar

If I own a restaurant, why should I not have the option of allowing my patrons to smoke? If I post a warning on the door that it is a smoking establishment, who’s health is being threatened, except those who make the decision for themselves? Is it really such a stretch, then to hear of people suing over smoking outdoors? The irony is that the vehicle next to you at the stoplight is spewing out more harmful chemicals than the driver’s cigarette. Not to mention the refinery where the fuel is being manufactured.

To answer your question, I think somewhere along the line, and I’m not sure when, Americans decided that safety and fairness were more important than freedom and liberty. It troubles me to no end.

toolaura4ya's avatar

great answer poser:) brilliant

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