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andrew's avatar

Leftover burger... best method of saving?

Asked by andrew (16553points) March 30th, 2008
11 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Sorry about the rush of burger questions… but now I’ve cooked my tasty burgers and now I have one patty (cooked) left over.
What’s the best method to save it? Grill => freezer? Let it cool down and put it in the fridge? What say you, fluther?

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TheHaight's avatar

you could always offer me a bite or…

Put it in an air tight ziplock baggy, or container.

bulbatron9's avatar

I usually just stick my leftovers in the fridge. If I don’t eat them the next day, then I usually forget about them, and they just sit there.

simone54's avatar

How’d ya end making them?

spendy's avatar

If you plan to eat it soon, put it in some foil. And I must explain how not to wrap it up…make sure you don’t wind the foil around and fold over the ends. Actually bring two ends of foil together over top and fold downward until you’re right on it. Then bring the open ends together over the tasty burger and fold down again the same way. No idea why this works so well, but it does. Call me a super-anal-foil-folder…whatever! HA Foil always seems to be burger friendly. Toss it in the fridge, and when you reheat, use the grill/skillet/anything not the microwave.

hurleygrlblink's avatar

well, i would take the bun off and put it in a separate baggy to keep it from getting soggy, then put the patty and the toppings together in another baggy, and stick them in the refrigerator. Then, tomorrow if you have a toaster oven, or oven, warm the bun in it at 350 degrees for about 5–10 minutes, and the meat in the microwave for about 45 seconds, then put together and ENJOY!

lovelyy's avatar

i would agree with putting it in the fridge.
just heat it up when you’re about to eat it.
you know unless it’s been a while since and it got old.

Spargett's avatar

Yeah, hurleygrlblink. Segregating the bun is key. And the toasting and whatnot is brilliant.

You remind me of my girlfriend. Always whipping amazing little things and ways to make it so much better by doing the simplest, yet such awesome lil’ tricks like that.

DeezerQueue's avatar

Let it cool down, wrap in saran wrap followed by foil, then freeze. Thaw in the refrigerator overnight.

Don’t reheat it in the microwave, do it in a pan, with a little oil, how much you need depends on you, on a low heat with a lid on it. Microwaving a previously cooked burger will destroy any of the goodness that made it a great burger.

spendy's avatar

I hope you’ve put away your burger by now! lol :) Let us know what you opted to do w/it. Now I’m curious where you’re burger is and what it’s wrapped in… Wow, I really need to get out more.

andrew's avatar

Actually, the question was more about when and where to put the burger away than how (but I didn’t make that clear). I ended up waiting until after dinner and throwing it into a ziploc.

gooch's avatar

freeze or refridgerate ASAP drop the temp to 40 degrees. Avoid delay place it in a bag then ice bath until its cool then into the cooler.

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