February 27
Are the first 10 jellies that reached 10K also the first 10 to reach 20K?
Asked by tinyfaery | 11 responses -
How do I find my question, to view the comments and answers please?
Asked by Irishmar | 1 response -
Why has "iPhone" always been the most used topic?
Asked by Fred931 | 5 responses -
The URL with just /disc/*****/ stopped working.
Asked by jrpowell | 2 responses -
February 26
How would you feel about being able to choose more than one reason for flagging a question?
Asked by KatawaGrey | 16 responses -
Does anyone else have trouble getting in the chatroom at Random-Ass radio?
Asked by SuperMouse | 5 responses -
I'm getting a shit load of server errors, are you?
Asked by ucme | 17 responses -
February 25
How do i add links in the answers?
Asked by sonyabose | 2 responses -
Do you assume a "great answer/great question" given, implies agreement?
Asked by Captain_Fantasy | 8 responses -
Does it bother you hen you post a question, someone rewords it, and gets more comments than you?
Asked by Kelci33 from iPhone | 10 responses -
Why doesn't Fluther.com show up in Bing's search results?
Asked by willbrawn | 14 responses -
On Fluther, is there a way to underline something? I would think the textile markup system would have a way.
Asked by ChocolateReigns | 14 responses -
February 24
For those of you in the high numbers at Fluther, were you particularly thrilled when you reached 7777?
Asked by skfinkel | 11 responses -
Do you think we will reach a point where all the questions that can be asked on Fluther, will be?
Asked by JeanPaulSartre | 95 responses -
Pssst! Uh Fluther asked me not to tell you. But they said I'm their favorite. Should I believe them?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 13 responses -
What good is asking a question. When you get it flagged meaning it will never see the light of day?
Asked by CMaz | 17 responses -
What are the demographics of Fluther's jellies?
Asked by h2osprey | 18 responses -
How long should questions, details, (Oxford comma) and answers be?
Asked by stump | 18 responses -
Is anyone else having problems giving Lurve?
Asked by OpryLeigh | 50 responses -
February 23
And while I'm asking meta-ish questions... Who's the cat in the Fluther page not found page?
Asked by JeanPaulSartre | 11 responses -
Alright Fluther - I just found the frizzer question today. Awesome. What else have I missed?
Asked by JeanPaulSartre | 13 responses -
Which do you prefer facebook, twitter, or fluther?
Asked by ldeb | 34 responses -
Are there questions you avoid on Fluther, although you consider yourself an expert?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 44 responses -
The digit for "activity for you" doesn't change eventhough there are 3 or 4 activities for it. And the question doesn't go up to the list of "New Activity".
Asked by flo | 4 responses -
Who is the mysterious 1_other, or who do you imagine it to be?
Asked by Adagio | 27 responses -
How many perfectofish awards do you collect and what does it say about us?
Asked by ninjacolin | 26 responses -
Why do certain experienced jellies prefer not to change their icon?
Asked by Pseudonym | 26 responses -
Do you think lurve are well designed and appropriately awarded? Why?
Asked by phoebusg | 31 responses -
Can you describe your accent?
Asked by partyparty | 50 responses -
February 22
Who would be the voice actor for Dr. Jelly if he was to get a lead role in Finding Nemo 2?
Asked by timtrueman | 30 responses -
How does one remove one's own comment once posted?
Asked by plethora | 5 responses -
February 21
Do we think that Ben Agosto of the American ice dancing team of Agosto/ Belbin looks like our Fluther founder Ben?
Asked by kelly | 4 responses -
Has anyone noticed that sometimes when you give Lurve on fluther, double or sometimes treble the points register?
Asked by lloydbird | 7 responses -
Any word on our Casheroo and the bambino-to-be?
Asked by Jude | 55 responses -
February 20
Hypothetical Question... If your comment gets removed, but you've received a number of great answer tags before removal, should you get to keep the great answer scores even thought the comment got pulled?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 3 responses