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What is MobileMe sync (PC) doing when it is not syncing?
Asked by Lightlyseared | 5 responses -
What are your initial thoughts of Windows 7?
Asked by allansmithee | 38 responses -
In Windows PC, is there a program, where you can use your mouse for typing letters/numbers instead of using the keyboard?
Asked by f4a | 5 responses -
Do you like Windows 7, Mac OSX or any distro of Linux the best?
Asked by oscarpiggy | 29 responses -
What are some of your most used Windows programs that you would recommend?
Asked by arcoarena | 19 responses -
Faster CR2-->DNG file converting?
Asked by HeNkiSdaBro | 1 response -
Should I install Windows 7?
Asked by El_Cadejo | 16 responses -
Can someone help me with an audio problem?
Asked by applesaucemanny | 6 responses -
Shortcut for "Image Size" in Photoshop Mac?
Asked by Evan | 17 responses -
Why does Windows Movie Maker close every time I click on the timeline?
Asked by pikipupiba | 4 responses -
So I can't connect my new XP machine to the internet...
Asked by zarnold | 2 responses -
Does Windows have something similar to sudo?
Asked by bomyne | 3 responses -
Is there a way to recover a Windows 7 login password?
Asked by sketchstudios from iPhone | 30 responses -
What have you accidentally discovered recently that you can share with the group?
Asked by Bri_L | 29 responses -
Serious iTunes issue! What happened to my music?
Asked by BlueDing | 4 responses -
If there are any tech savvy people on this site who actually use Windows (and not Macs), I've got a technical question for you.
Asked by dalepetrie | 12 responses -
I need some help with boot camp on mac...
Asked by pplufthesun | 1 response -
Out of C++ and C#, which is easier to learn?
Asked by bomyne | 11 responses -
Vista problem with sample video used as wallpaper. See details.
Asked by SirBailey | 2 responses -
Is there a way I can rotate (landscape > portrait) a digital photo without changing its (Windows XP) timestamp?
Asked by Joe_Freeman | 2 responses -
Windows Vista 64 bit taskbar - how does something go from a current item to a past item?
Asked by SirBailey | 5 responses -
When I put my PC (running Windows XP) into hibernate mode at night, I find that it spontaneously awakens by the morning.
Asked by Joe_Freeman | 6 responses -
I just installed an extra RAM but the Vista won't boot, should I change something in BIOS for it to recognize it and boot?
Asked by ESV from iPhone | 4 responses -
NAT not working anymore in XP Home Edition?
Asked by bluedoggiant | 1 response -
How do I know when Windows XP has finished booting and doing all its startup activities, so I can begin working?
Asked by Joe_Freeman | 12 responses