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Any experience using Allerpet/C for cat allergies?
Asked by 8Convulsions | 10 responses -
Is there something wrong with my kitten?
Asked by cliofaye | 11 responses -
Will withholding rewards encourage my cat to do his job?
Asked by Blueroses | 13 responses -
If one day all the non-human animals in the world began to attack us do you think your pets would try to protect you or would they join their counterparts in the war against the humans?
Asked by tinyfaery from iPhone | 30 responses -
Do you think it is unsanitary to train a cat to go on the person's toilet?
Asked by desiree333 | 20 responses -
Are cats conscious of what their tails are doing?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 12 responses -
How do you get one image per cat minus the lion and the housecat on Google Images?
Asked by flo | 17 responses -
Does your pet have any annoying habits?
Asked by sophiesword | 26 responses -
Why are there always spiders in the litter box?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 20 responses -
How do you feel about dressing up pets?
Asked by flo | 26 responses -
How can I help my cat deal with what appears to be separation anxiety?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 16 responses -
Can any of you share success stories of two spayed female cats becoming companions?
Asked by Coloma | 28 responses -
How long do I have to wait after giving my cat a deworming treatment before I can let him share a litterbox with the other cats?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 10 responses -
If Milo has an occasional brief sneeze, is it something to worry about?
Asked by gailcalled | 10 responses -
Would my cat know another sister was not the original sister he had?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 5 responses -
Any advice where to get cheap vet care?
Asked by tedd | 13 responses -
Would you adopt a kitty who resembled Hitler?
Asked by Brian1946 | 36 responses -
Is it possible to reset my keyboard settings even if I'm unsure of what's changed? (See details)
Asked by Seelix | 6 responses -
My Tom CK lost his sister today, should I get him another one or wait awhile?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 11 responses -
How do I get my dog to stay out of the cat food/litter boxes?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 11 responses -
Basil has fleas. They're biting us. Are we completely screwed?
Asked by andrew | 11 responses -
I just adopted a cat from the street, what should I expect?
Asked by QueenOfNowhere | 14 responses -
What's the most remarkable thing you've ever done for your pet or your pet has done for you ?
Asked by sophiesword | 25 responses -
What are some irrational things that your pets are afraid of?
Asked by Seelix | 36 responses -
How do I teach my cat to let me pet her?
Asked by Neurotic_David | 16 responses