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how many cats is enough?
Asked by tarkadal | 20 responses -
Best way to find a lost pet?
Asked by Supergirl | 12 responses -
My wife spilt coffee with sugar on our laptop, what should I do?
Asked by bulbatron9 from iPhone | 7 responses -
how do I keep cats off my cars?
Asked by heyu1021 from iPhone | 21 responses -
Why does my cat suddenly have alot of flatuance
Asked by Spargett from iPhone | 6 responses -
Why are cats so attracted to birds?
Asked by daniel89x | 9 responses -
Why do felines bury their urine/feces?
Asked by Spargett | 6 responses -
How can you tell if a cat is spayed?
Asked by jrpowell | 5 responses -
When do kittens open their eyes?
Asked by amazon | 4 responses -
Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
Asked by Protagoras | 12 responses -
How can I teach my cat to stay off the counters?
Asked by deepseas72 | 13 responses -
Has anyone successfully trained their kitten to stop biting?
Asked by andrew | 9 responses -
How can I find a pet-sitter that I trust?
Asked by Supergirl | 11 responses -
What do I do with a pregnant cat?
Asked by acebamboo77 | 7 responses -
Is it all right to feed my kitten Adult low-residue cat food?
Asked by andrew | 6 responses -
What fabrics are best for upholstered furniture in a house full of cats?
Asked by Gingembre | 16 responses -
My cat is leaking blood from her butt...
Asked by diane_cairns | 8 responses -
Why does my kitten smell so bad?
Asked by ketoneus from iPhone | 12 responses -
How does one get a 4 week old kitten to pee in the litter box?
Asked by ava | 4 responses -
Why does my cat eat only the jelly from her cat food ?
Asked by blackcatkizzy | 8 responses -
How do we get our older cat to accept a new kitten in the house?
Asked by ketoneus from iPhone | 7 responses -
Why does my cat always want to sleep on or near my head when I am sleeping?
Asked by ava | 8 responses -
Why do cats always land with their paws on the ground?
Asked by klaas4 | 3 responses -
My cat has blood in her urine...
Asked by jca | 9 responses -
How much should one expect to pay to have a kitten declawed?
Asked by alabare | 26 responses