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What is so funny about a man in a dress?
Asked by iphigeneia | 36 responses -
How would the world be different if men had a menstrual cycle?
Asked by j0ey | 61 responses -
For the mums & dads;What is something your little darlings have said about you that was cute but brutally honest that made you laugh & at the same time made you think ouch?
Asked by ucme | 13 responses -
Are "dead baby" jokes not funny?
Asked by shadling21 | 177 responses -
What's with these commercials?
Asked by mollypop51797 | 20 responses -
Can you laugh at the parts of your personal views/religion/beliefs that are inconsistent or funny?
Asked by JeanPaulSartre | 32 responses -
The weird things women do for other women: What’s the weirdest thing you ever did for you best girlfriend?
Asked by Espiritus_Corvus | 38 responses -
What is the best gift to bring to a gag-gift party?
Asked by malevolentbutticklish | 28 responses -
What's your opinion on nonsensical, joking questions on Fluther?
Asked by Captain_Fantasy | 57 responses -
Did I handle this situation in a poor manner?
Asked by cak | 61 responses -
What is one of the worst inventions that you use daily?
Asked by ModernEpicurian | 34 responses -
How difficult is it to discern someone's sense of humor through a typed sentence?
Asked by MrsDufresne | 12 responses -
Girls, In honor of the Vagina Monologues, will you answer a question?
Asked by Judi | 33 responses -
What is it about bad songs that ends up getting them stuck in your head?
Asked by drClaw | 32 responses -
How many of you put Grand Theft Auto on, park the guy in a safe spot, and just listen to the "radio?"?
Asked by HungryGuy | 16 responses -
Anyone else see what happens when you click 'Thank yourself' after leaving a comment?
Asked by iRemy_y | 32 responses -
(potentially NSFW) What's the weirdest thing that's physically been done to you?
Asked by FutureMemory | 33 responses -
The best joke ever?
Asked by ChaosCross | 195 responses -
Is it true that if you want to be lazy and still get away, you need to hardwork for that also?
Asked by zykel | 14 responses -
Give me your sure fire ways to get rid of those nuisance callers?
Asked by ucme | 16 responses -
What funny examples can you recall as a kid when you misread a word?
Asked by ucme | 36 responses -
Is Billy Bob Neck for real?
Asked by Zuma | 23 responses -
Do you have a tendency to dominate or be dominated in a close relationship.
Asked by zykel | 13 responses -
Hypothetically, how would you survive a robot uprising?
Asked by timtrueman | 39 responses -
What are some old fashioned or Southern sayings, expressions, or phrases that you like?
Asked by ubersiren | 86 responses