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Good pair of head Phones not alot of soud leakage and good bass, any ideas?
Asked by tehrani625 | 14 responses -
Are there any free online media cataloging sites on which I can list my collections?
Asked by aprilsimnel | 4 responses -
What is the BEST way to get Michael Jackson Tickets for his comeback tour?
Asked by futurelaker88 | 18 responses -
IPhone question: my music seems to have disappeared...?
Asked by Trustinglife | 10 responses -
Good bands?
Asked by varey14 | 9 responses -
Why are there so many songs about rainbows?
Asked by toleostoy | 19 responses -
How do you find music on Jamendo?
Asked by Vincentt | 5 responses -
How do you usually get a song that's stuck in your head out?
Asked by mangeons | 65 responses -
Ever heard of 'Passages' by Philip Glass & Ravi Shankar? well.. you know anything similar?
Asked by Anatelostaxus | 7 responses -
Which artists make music like this? (Question for people who are knowledgeable about Dub music)
Asked by swingliner | 3 responses -
Change format of music-files?
Asked by Milladyret | 8 responses -
Have you ever had a critic you trusted? How did you find that person?
Asked by wundayatta | 13 responses -
Can anyone name this song?
Asked by fortris | 6 responses -
I'm in a funk and would like to listen to some happy music to pick me up...
Asked by fluff | 22 responses -
Where do you hear about new music?
Asked by funkyfest | 15 responses -
I just copied all of my purchased iTunes music into the trash. How do I put it back into iTunes without going through the trash one by one?
Asked by tinyfaery | 22 responses -
What is your favorite album artwork?
Asked by toomuchcoffee911 from iPhone | 24 responses -
Whats the best rasputina album ?
Asked by salthegeek | 1 response -
What do you have playing in the background when you Fluther?
Asked by Blondesjon | 29 responses -
Can you suggest a way to keep changing the music on my iPhone?
Asked by Lightlyseared from iPhone | 3 responses -
What's the name of that song? (classical)
Asked by ubersiren | 8 responses -
Is anyone going to be in Hampton VA for PHISH next weekend?
Asked by tennesseejac | 3 responses -
Bands/Artists that everyone seems to love but you can't stand?
Asked by THATguy | 59 responses -
How do you keep your earbuds from getting tangled?
Asked by nikipedia | 9 responses -
What do you call that tranquil Japanese music?
Asked by desmodus | 5 responses