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What volunteer organizations involving traveling would you suggest for a young woman who recently discovered her calling?
Asked by onesecondregrets | 11 responses -
Do you know much about US visas?
Asked by theluckiest | 19 responses -
Do you have any experience/advice about traveling by Greyhound bus?
Asked by kenmc | 29 responses -
Have you ever been in a hot air balloon?
Asked by VS | 16 responses -
I'm near Yale Univ in New Haven, CT what is there to see?
Asked by seVen from iPhone | 4 responses -
Recommendations for things to do in Edinburgh?
Asked by Thronak | 8 responses -
I am looking to go to Japan to teach English for two years. Have you done this, and what was it like?
Asked by mantaray68 | 5 responses -
What are the best ways to find cheap, but clean hotels?
Asked by jenna | 10 responses -
Does anyone know good restaurants in Dushanbe?
Asked by futura | 1 response -
Have you ever rode Amtrak overnight or cross-country?
Asked by wp1211 | 8 responses -
Any family-friendly hotel (or B&B, etc) recommendations for the East Bay, in California? Preferably Oakland or nearby (Piedmont, Berkeley).
Asked by zina | 3 responses -
What are some fun things to do while in san francisco?
Asked by seenmaker | 14 responses -
Has anyone stayed at the Hilton Park Lane in London? I'll be in the UK in a few months and was booked there - wanted to see if anyone had any experiences to share?
Asked by KalWest | 20 responses -
Where should I stay in Dubai?
Asked by testtoast99 | 4 responses -
Anyone know how safe it is to vacation in trinidad and tobago ,i heard of lately it's very risky?
Asked by jahi | 1 response -
Is it possible to find a budget accommodation in San Diego during this financial crisis?
Asked by saulbyrd | 7 responses -
New project starting mid-may in Berlin, any tips?
Asked by qashqai | 7 responses -
What is the best program for teaching english abroad?
Asked by plasticpen | 5 responses -
If you were given the opportunity to live anywhere in the world, which country would it be ? And why? =^.^=?
Asked by InEv3 | 22 responses -
If you spend any amount of time working in foreign countries, is getting used to the damned keyboard the toughest thing about your travels?
Asked by getoffmylawn | 6 responses -
Is Bavaria the Texas of Germany?
Asked by getoffmylawn | 19 responses -
If you're worried that people from the future will come back in time and materialize where you happen to be standing, how do you cope with that?
Asked by TheIowaCynic | 78 responses -
What's the bike ride like from San Francisco to Bodega Bay?
Asked by joshbc | 6 responses -
Would you be willing to travel anywhere in order to attain a secure job?
Asked by exitnirvana | 17 responses -
What is the farthest bike ride you've taken?
Asked by aviona | 14 responses