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How can I help my lemon tree to grow lemons?
Asked by occ | 8 responses -
Why do the top leaves of the tree change colors first?
Asked by rodydoe89 | 6 responses -
If cutting trees down to build houses and buildings cause pollution, what do we live in?
Asked by Aesthetic_Mess | 43 responses -
Would you like to live in a garden for the rest of your life?
Asked by Aesthetic_Mess | 17 responses -
From where does a tree accumulate its substance?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 13 responses -
What do i do about this tree?
Asked by firemaker | 21 responses -
Would more of us go back to growing some of our own food if we knew how much better it tastes fresh from the garden?
Asked by ETpro | 35 responses -
Will my tree live?
Asked by valdasta | 6 responses -
Does all leaves on earth have individual facets/hues?
Asked by SebastianUllmark | 4 responses -
How old does a Pawpaw tree (Asimina triloba) have to be before it produces fruit?
Asked by gondwanalon | 6 responses -
Can you suggest a name for a landscaping business?
Asked by augustlan | 26 responses -
Kwanzen Cherry with dying branches. Prune?
Asked by majorrich | 3 responses -
What kind of berry is this?
Asked by El_Cadejo | 24 responses -
How do redwood trees fit into the foodweb/what are their predators?
Asked by bunnygirl50665 | 18 responses -
How much might a tree that was already old change in 70 years?
Asked by Jeruba | 10 responses -
Is there a ground cover plant that is tree friendly and weed "unfriendly?"?
Asked by metadog | 6 responses -
Does anyone know about trees which eat living things?
Asked by 9doomedtodie | 6 responses -
Can you help me pick a species of tree for the yard?
Asked by gorillapaws | 17 responses -
Where can I buy acorns online?
Asked by forgotwood | 10 responses -
Tree question. What should I plant in front of my house?
Asked by Elfman | 19 responses -
What are good trees or shrubs that soak up water?
Asked by xBRIANx | 16 responses -
I have yew tree paranoia, please help?
Asked by fathippo | 20 responses -
Why does the snow melt first around the trees?
Asked by ChocolateReigns | 14 responses -
Are you seeing any signs of Spring, jellies?
Asked by Jude | 59 responses -
Pine tree leaning after major rain and wind, can it be saved?
Asked by metadog | 6 responses