General Question

AstroChuck's avatar

Are there any questions you asked that you think didn't get enough attention?

Asked by AstroChuck (37640points) June 24th, 2008

Awhile ago I asked this –
I never really got many serious answers. I thought it was an original and interesting question. I’ve asked people this question face-to-face before and have gotten some interesting answers. Some don’t understand the question but I know you flutherers/lurverts out there are pretty saavy.
So pretty please, with sugar on top, give it a look again. And then share some of the questions you gave that didn’t get the love you think they deserved.

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28 Answers

jrpowell's avatar

I was proud of this one.

Our two questions might be somehow related because I’m not really sure what the hell you are talking about.

AstroChuck's avatar

jp- that was worth some lurve. LOL.
And if you don’t understand my question then I guess you don’t understand my question. I don’t know any other way to articulate it.

Seesul's avatar

I have a Swedish wall calendar and and an Italian pocket calendar, so for this year at least, my week starts with Monday. It only messes with my mind on recycle day.

kevbo's avatar

Yeah, I was really disappointed in the paltry list of useless and archaic personal computer references in respond to the question I submitted earlier today. I hope the Fluther community can step up and respond with more 8-bit sass so that I can feel assured of my question’s validity, and, by extension, the validity of my life perspective.

jlm11f's avatar

@ AC – i don’t really visualize the calendar in my mind. I seriously just count the days on my finger (i think anyway), which is why i didn’t answer your Q. I thought this question of mine would have gotten more answers. Oh well, these things happen :(

AstroChuck's avatar

Imagine an upside down U. The U is closed in at the bottom. I see January at the bottom right. February is right above. March and April are about halfway up. May is where the curve begins. June and July share the top. The side coming down is August. Then at the closed-in bottom is, left to right, September, October, November and December.
I’ve always pictured the year that way in my head. Even though August doesn’t share the left side with any other month, it doesn’t appear assymetrical in my head.
Am I crazy? Do I scare you?

jlm11f's avatar

@ AC – well that indeed is interesting. Even if i did visualize the calendar, that would definitely not be my way. But that just makes you all the more special and reminds us flutherers why we love you!

Seesul's avatar

You need a Swedish calendar, Chuck. That’ll straighten you out.
Seriously, though, I see a straight line that hopefully is verrrrrrry long. To infinity and beyond!
much like the road to Carlsbad Caverns

breedmitch's avatar

For me, the months start out linear from left to right and then around June they take a right turn and head downward. Then around October they start sliding to the right again and end up horizontal again by December.

thebeadholder's avatar

@AC: I see the calender in a monthly format with lines and numbers and days and months. Oh, that’s because I have to look at my schedule everyday. :-0
Here is my question I was very disappointed in. I thought tons of people would respond (instead it became an “argue my case” between a few of us). But I guess I was wrong.

Trustinglife's avatar

@AC, I’m curious how you started visualizing your calendar that way. Did you ever see one that looked like it? Or did it just come to you?

AstroChuck's avatar

@trustinglife – I couldn’t tell you why. It’s just the way I visualize each year.
@breedmitch – That’s what I was looking for. Glad you get it.

breedmitch's avatar

I used to do the same thing with numbers too. One through twenty goes straight up but twenty through ninety-nine goes left to right.

Seesul's avatar

AC: and I don’t? I can’t help it if it just goes on and on and on. Can I? Would it help if I finally went off the cliff a la Wile E. Coyote?

AstroChuck's avatar

Sorry. I meant – That’s what I was looking for from you as well, Seesul.

Seesul's avatar

whew! I don’t have to go off the cliff (for now) Thanks Chuckie

AstroChuck's avatar

Would hate to see you go postal. I’ve seen it first hand. Not pretty.
and thanks for spelling Chuckie correctly. I hate when people spell it with a y.

shrubbery's avatar

@breedmitch and AC, I’ve tried hard to think about it but I’m pretty sure I don’t visualise the calendar at all. But I do visualise the numbers. 1 to 10 go straight up, 11 to 20 go left to right, then 21 to 100 go straight up again.
To keep this on track, there was one question that I didn’t feel I got many responses to that I was fully going to ask again just to see if anyone else would answer, but I can’t remember which one it was so I guess I got enough answers eventually without having to ask twice.

breedmitch's avatar

To respond to the question: I always thought this question about green investing deserved more answers, but it was so long ago. There are so many new members since then. Anybody want to help?

Harp's avatar

AstroChuck (I just posted this to your original Q as well, but all the action seems to be here), visualizing time this way is a classic manifestation of synaesthesia. A synaesthete friend of mine has her own scheme (which I can’t recall). Hers too was just something she had always seen. Do you have any other synaesthetic traits?

AstroChuck's avatar

Answered on original Q.

Harp's avatar

Take a look at this and this.

AstroChuck's avatar

Whoa. Great links. I can relate with both, though only to a smaller extent with the first. I suppose I might be a bit of a synaesthetic person. I’ve always been big on visualization.

Harp's avatar

That’s why so few people could understand what you were saying. Synaesthetes tend to think that everyone processes sensory information like they do, so most don’t find out until later in life that they’re members of an exclusive “club”.

Harp's avatar

But then, we always knew you were “special”.

AstroChuck's avatar

I always knew that I was “special” because of the “special” helmet they gave me to wear in school.

breedmitch's avatar

Now I’m starting to think I’m a Synaesthete. Several of those words in Harp’s Wikipedia link looked blue or purple to me.

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