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Charles's avatar

US Support for Israel? Too much already?

Asked by Charles (4826points) January 4th, 2012

Do problems arise when the US gives such over whelming support to Israel that it makes us enemies of other countries? Some people think that much of the reason that Arab terrorists want to hurt us is because we give so much help to Israel. Is there balance in our approach to the middle eastern countries? Does the US give Israel billions of dollars in direct aid out of the public sector—that is tax dollars of the American workers? Does the US give Israel a lot of military hardware?

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8 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

I’m not that educated on the subject, but from what I’ve read about it, the US is close to Israel for whatever reason. I guess the suggestion is that they’re too close, but if it wasn’t Israel, it would be somewhere else? This is just International Relations: friends and enemies for self interest.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@city_data_forum Feeling like playing with fire today?

Tbag's avatar

I’m an Arab and to tell you the truth those fucking Arabian terrorists disgust me. I really don’t understand why the US supports Israel in a lot of things. Giving them military weapons? Isn’t Israel doing enough by killing the Palestinians? No wonder most of the money the US gives to Israel comes from the tax of American workers! The US should just stop all this tremendous support! I think the country is already in a lot of debt that they can’t pay, I guess.

I don’t like politics and I honestly do not care whom the US supports as long as it’s not hurting other countries. I have to admit though, Arabs are crazy. Too much greed with the OIL TANKERS they’ve got.
I hope no one gets me wrong and I think I love the US more than I love my country!

JLeslie's avatar

Israel is very important to the US geopolitcially. Even if we did not agree with Israel’s right to be there, which as a country we do, Israel is the country in the middle east we can count on as an ally, which strategically is important. There are times when the US speaks out against some of the decisions Israel makes. Israel is the democracy in a sea of theocracies in the Middle East, that is very important to the US also. I think we have showed some balance. We have leaders who do show support for the Palestinians, try to broker deals of peace. Most American leaders believe peace between Israel and the Palestininans will be best acheived when the Palestinians have their own country and are prosperous. I don’t see that as Americans only siding with Israel. But, if Arabs and Iranians speak of wiping Israel off the map, then it becomes having to choose sides, and the US will always pick Israel I believe.

@Tbag I think there is a big difference between Israel and Jews and Arabs and Arab countries. This is what sometimes gets lost don’t you think? I don’t know what it is like in Israel or Arab countries, or Iran for that matter, but everyone I know here in America who is Arab or Persian is wonderful. It’s like I can’t even imagine that everyone has to fight and kill each other, it is about land more than anything. The terrorists are just a small faction of extreme crazy people. And, when I say terrorists I mean any crazy homocidal maniac, not just the Arab Muslims.

Blackberry's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I think he/she’s an actual pyrotechnic it seems lol.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Blackberry Your right.
@city_data_forum There was an interesting article in Sunday’s paper about efforts to teach the Islamic world the truth behind the jihad that the extremist are trying to wage against the US. Not necessarily related to your question but you might find it interesting. I believe it was an AP piece.

Tbag's avatar

@JLeslie I bow to you, perfect answer. Much respect! One thing though, keep in mind Israel is already occupying the Palestinian’s land and frankly I think the Palestinian’s would want their land back so I don’t know what the solution is for peace. I just wish everyone could live together in harmony, sigh.

flutherother's avatar

American support for Israel has been disastrous for international relations. Israel is one of the strongest economic and military powers in the Middle East and yet America continues to give it $3 Billion a year of military aid. Israel has a right to exist but it doesn’t have a right to this level of assistance which is seen as American support for Israeli policies. The Israeli tail wags the American dog. When the US President says publicly that settlement building in the occupied territories should stop the Israeli Prime Minister ignores him and the money still comes rolling in. It would be political suicide for US politicians to vote against it.

This unhealthy relationship poisons Israel’s relations with its Arab neighbours. Israel is a Middle Eastern country whether it likes it or not, if it were forced to come to an accommodation with its Arab neighbours, as it must do in time, and what better time than now, then peace would have a chance. But Israel has never felt the need to attempt diplomacy with its bordering countries.

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