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omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

Do blind people get motion sickness?

Asked by omfgTALIjustIMDu (9273points) January 16th, 2020

Is it different for people who are sighted at birth and then lose their sight vs. people who are born without sight?

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8 Answers

LadyMarissa's avatar

II hope I never find out!!!

The best I can tell you is that I’m so sensitive that I get sick riding the baby roller coaster. Years ago a friend took me to a theme park in NC not believing that I couldn’t ride the big roller coaster. Once I got him to understand how serious I was, he compromised wanting to watch the movie they play so you can see IF you really want to get on one. It was in an enclosed building & projected on a wall. I was laying on my back on a concrete floor with my eyes closed tight. It took everything I had to keep from throwing up. I was laying on a stationary floor with my eyes closed while a movie played & I still got sick. Leads me to believe that it doesn’t matter.

JLeslie's avatar

Interesting question. I get positional vertigo (BPPV) and it does happen with my eyes closed and when I’m in the dark, so I would guess you can have positional vertigo even if you are blind. Part of the dizziness is your sense of gravity is in the wrong place so your world spins as your brain adjust from where it first thinks gravity is and where it really is. That gravity problem exists whether you can see or not.

BPPV is not motion sickness, but it is a form of vertigo, and motion sickness basically is similar, so I thought you might be interested.

raum's avatar

Your sense of balance involves a lot of different things. The ears probably play a larger part than the eyes.

Omfg! Welcome back!

SEKA's avatar

My mom suffered with Vertigo. According to her doctor, it has nothing to do with the eyesight but everything to do with the little hairs in the ears that gives us balance. Hers kicked in worse at night when she laid down on her bed to go to sleep. He instructed her to lie on her back and then roll from side to side almost like rocking. He claimed that would reset her balance and she claimed that it did help

I have no clue whether motion sickness works anything like Vertigo, so I have no clue if it’s inner ear related or sight related. I was simply making an observation

JLeslie's avatar

Literal motion sickness does usually involve sight, it’s like your body is feeling the motion different than your sight and the balance in your ear are perceiving it, and the discombobulation causes sickness. Sometimes closing your eyes can help relieve it a little, but still the body and brain can have mixed messages regarding the motion.

Vertigo due to inner ear causes dizzy without any motion. It can be a position change for some types of vertigo, something as simple as rolling to your side in bed. That is when the crystals in the ear are in the wrong place. If it’s from inflammation in the ear it might happen without moving at all. If it’s neurological or a vitamin deficiency it also can happen without moving.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

My mom didn’t as far as I know.

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