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Koxufoxu's avatar

[NSFW] Is there any difference?

Asked by Koxufoxu (1533points) November 17th, 2021

Is there any diffrence beetwen lube “for gays” and typical anal lube? (name doesnt count)

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5 Answers

zenvelo's avatar


But not all lube is the same. Be sure not to use lotion, vaseline, or oil based lubes with a condom, beause it can cause the condom to break.

Use a water or silicon nased lube with a condom.

jca2's avatar

Does the lube know the sexual preference of the user?

Smashley's avatar

Only in marketing. I have a leather scented tub of lube my girl doesn’t like, but works for all other purposes.

It could be that some lubes marketed to gay men are water or silicon based, and thus compatible with latex condoms, but you should always check labels before pairing anyway.

Lightlyseared's avatar

The only difference I’ve ever seen is between standard medical grade lube and porn industry grade lube. When you need something to stay lubed all day porn industry grade is the way to go.

SnipSnip's avatar

Read the labels.

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