General Question

andrew's avatar

Can you help me feel better?

Asked by andrew (16553points) July 22nd, 2009

I don’t normally ask questions like this, but I’ve come down with the flu on my last week in Paris and I’m alternating between full-body muscle aches, throbbing migraines and horrible stomach cramps and dashes to the WC. I fly home to see my parents on Friday.

What things can I do to cheer myself up? Can you help me at all?

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60 Answers

Tink's avatar

Aww poor andrew :(
<<sending tomato soup your way>>

softtop67's avatar

Go sit on the Seine its been used for this purpose before

“Periodically the sewerage systems of Paris experience a failure known as sanitary sewer overflow, often in periods of high rainfall. Under these conditions untreated sewage has been discharged into the Seine”

jonsblond's avatar

This may not take the aches away but hopefully it will put a smile on your face for at least a moment.

Hope you feel better soon!

peyton_farquhar's avatar

Poor boy. Have some lurve.

skfinkel's avatar

Don’t take aspirin. Bundle up and stay inside and just be sick for a bit—going out and pretending won’t make you feel better, and just spreads around the germs. Eat what feels good (chicken soup?) and drink what sustains you (lemonaide?) and give into it for a day or two.

It must be so frustrating for you—your last couple of days in Paris. But if you just allow youself to be sick and not fight it, perhaps it will go away sooner.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Lurve indeed. I offer full pampering if you’ll bring me to Paris for a few days…

Harp's avatar

You could take advantage of the fact that you can still get house calls from a doctor in France. I called these guys once when I was too sick to get my butt to a doctor, and they fixed me up (available 24/7 Phone # 3624).

robmandu's avatar

I have to distract myself from dwelling on my body’s complaints.

If you can bring yourself to do so, try to get engaged with a really good book. Something you find is easy to read for hours at a time. The kind of book you’ve found yourself reading at 3 a.m.

Stay off the computer if you can. It’s not physically relaxing.

Feel better, oh Nomura flutherite.

JLeslie's avatar

Do you have a fever and cough? Flu usually has fever (above 101) and cough, and rarely digestive problems, but not unheard of. If you have a fever take ibuprofen 600mg every 5 hours to keep your fever down. Drink Fluids. Take some cough medicine to help you sleep. If all of a sudden you take a fast turn for the worse get medical care. If you are still in WC after 48 hours I would get checked also to rule out food poisoning.

casheroo's avatar

I would invest in getting some nice hot tea, see if a friend can go get it for you.

I’m so sorry you are feeling ill on your trip :( Do you think it may be food poisoning? Just keep drinking fluids.

kevbo's avatar

I’ve always enjoyed a cup of Theraflu, but not sure if you can get it in gay Paris. Get well soon!

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Hugs to you, Andrew. It does’t help, but that’s all I can do.

mangeons's avatar

NyQuil always helped me some. It tastes like crap but it takes the aches and cough away, and makes your sleep like a rock.

Oh yeah, and ::hugs:: help too.

lloydbird's avatar

Worry not Mister!
You are probably just going through one of these

aprilsimnel's avatar

Have Adam go and get you some of this and pick up Les Triplettes de Belleville for you! :D

augustlan's avatar

Guess it wasn’t the wine after all, eh? I’m sorry you’re feeling so rotten, Andrew. Rest, drink fluids, and get better before your plane trip back.

loser's avatar

Re-read the frizzer question! Laughter is the best medicine!

Hope you’re feeling better soon!!!

tinyfaery's avatar

Ginger or peppermint tea for nausea.
Some type of applied heat might help the cramps.
Hot bath with epsom salts.
Pain reliever, fluids and rest.

I’d say cuddle with the kitty, but you’re not home.
Take care.

Jeruba's avatar

Oh, @andrew, I’m so sorry. As miserable as it is to be sick anywhere, it’s so much worse when you’re away from home,. And then to be missing out on what you’re there for, not to mention having to take a long flight in a compromised condition. Those things have happened to me, including a white-knuckle wait through the security line. I hope things ease up quickly. I send you my sympathy.

Some people don’t think sympathy does much, but I am one who believes it really helps, sometimes when nothing else does.

Lurve to tinyfaery for the practical remedies.

Dog's avatar

Sending wishes that you wake up fully recovered.

irocktheworld's avatar

Awww! I hate the flu,it’s horrible. I feel soo bad for you :(
Well I would give you a big hug and I’d give you a puppy to snuggle with :)

Jack_Haas's avatar

Easy! On friday you’re back to the US. 60 million poor slobs will still be stuck in france.

You’re welcome.

To follow up on Harp’s excellent advice, here you can get a regular doctor to visit for just 10 euros more than an incall while an emergency doctor will charge up to 3 times more. It probably the same in Paris so check the rates before you have someone visit.

nikipedia's avatar

I had a boyfriend once whose mother was French. When I was sick, she gave me a glass of warm red wine with a spoonful of sugar stirred in. I can’t say it cured much, but I sure felt better…might be worth a try.

Dog's avatar

@nikipedia I am going to try that next time the flu comes knocking.

loser's avatar

@nikipedia I might try that now just for the heck of it.

Jeruba's avatar

@nikipedia, isn’t that the tonic that Mary Poppins administered? I’d trust her doctoring any day.

Bri_L's avatar

I am very sorry you feel sick and down. May this pick up your spirits.

A pirate walks into a bar and he has a steering wheel down the front of his pants.

He sits down at the bar and says “y’argh, gimme a pint.” The bartender gives him a beer and notices the steering wheel as he serves him. So the pirate just sits there “y’argh, y’aARgh” drinking his beer.

Finally the bartender can’t take it any more so he asks the pirate ” Hey buddy, do you know you have a steering wheel down the front of your pants?”

The pirate says “y’argh and it’s driv’n me nuts!”

I hope that didn’t just make you sicker.

Dog's avatar

@Bri_L I dont know about Andrew but I feel better! Funny!

janbb's avatar

Here’s a hug ( ) from a distance, Andrew! Verveine tea (it’s a verbena herbal tea) goes down very easily and is comforting, maybe Ben can go out and get you some.

J0E's avatar

Two guys walk into a bar, the third one ducks…

chyna's avatar

Aw, this really sucks for you. Thera flu and a hot bath works for me. Maybe a glass of wine while in the tub. It helps to stay near the toilet.

figbash's avatar

Oh, Andrew that’s awful!!!! The cumulative effect of days of being sick, plus WC visits probably means you’re dehydrated and potentially getting headaches from it too. Find a pharmacy or store and start getting some electrolytes in you immediately – look for French versions of Pedialyte or even Gatorade.

Try to get some healthy, protein-rich soup in your tummy too. Go outside, walk around a little, and look for a chicken-based consomme to straighten things out. Then, if you can muster it, head to a small Paris flea market for a little while. It allows you to get some air, zone out, be entertained by all of the neat old finds, and then pick out the perfect gift to bring back to your parents.

Feel better!

srtlhill's avatar

A cold washcloth over my face constantly cooling it for comfort.
Good luck it’s a bummer on the road and not feeling good.
Hope it passes soon.

marinelife's avatar

So sorry to hear that, Andrew. Airplanes: our culture’s germ petri dishes.

Here is some information from an herbalist:

“If you find yourself sick on the road without such a resource, ginger capsules or candied ginger may help with upset stomach and nausea. Also: garlic is a general antibiotic, lavender (lavender water spray), and lemon and honey with hot water may help you feel better.Herbalist’s Insider Tip: Upset tummy and no medicine? Head to the bar for sparkling water with bitters to get some relief.”


You may want to call a doc, because you can shorten the flu:

“Amantadine (Symmetrel) and rimantadine (Flumadine) are effective in curtailing influenza A infections and may even stop secondary complications-a boost for high risk groups such as young children, the elderly, and the chronically ill. They both interfere with the virus’s ability to replicate once inside a cell. In clinical tests they were found to shorten the flu illness by 24 to 36 hours. The drawback to both drugs is their administration: They need to be taken within 48 hours of symptom onset to be effective and must be taken for five full days, even after your symptoms have abated. If you stop sooner, your symptoms may return. Both are available only by prescription.” Source

Feel better.

MissAusten's avatar

“Bad luck for you!” as my 4 year old would say. :( I can’t dispense any medical advice better than the above, but I can share a joke that’ll cheer you up. Maybe. My ten year old shared this with me.

One day, a boy walks up to his mom and says, “Mom, why did you name me Leaf?” The mom says, “Well, on the day you were born, a leaf blew in through the window and landed on your forehead.”

Next, the boy’s sister asked, “How did I get my name?” The mom says, “Well, when you were born, someone placed a rose on your forehead, Rose.”

Then, the boy’s brother came into the room. He said, “Bzzzzz bzzzzz bzzzzz!!!” The mom said, “Shut up, Refrigerator.”

hahahahahahahaha!!! I still crack up at that every time! Hope it made you smile!

chyna's avatar

@MissAusten I am blonde, but I don’t think that is the reason I am not getting this joke. Or is it?

jonsblond's avatar

@MissAusten You just reminded me of something my 5 year old said to me the last time she was sick. I was rubbing her head and I told her that I was sorry that she didn’t feel well. She said to me “It’s ok mommy, it’s not your fault. It’s the germs’ fault”. She made me feel better and I wasn’t the one who was sick!

janbb's avatar

Let us know when you’re feeling better, Anrew. (Perhaps that month old indian food is finally catching up with you?)

Blondesjon's avatar

Don’t try to hide from it. Wallow in it.

You have the flu and are officially allowed to take perverse pleasure in your misery.

When you are finally better it will be that much better.

janbb's avatar

EDIT – Sorry, “Andrew.” My flying fingers got the best of me again.

filmfann's avatar

Drink some gatoraide and watch South Park online.

MissAusten's avatar

@chyna the kid named Leaf had a leaf land on his head…the kid named Rose had a rose on her head…the kid who can’t talk and is named Refrigerator had a…. make sense now? I think you not getting it has less to do with you being blonde than me having kind of a sick sense of humor.

andrew's avatar

@tinyfaery Oh noes… now I have horrible kitty homesickness.

andrew's avatar

@figbash Unfortunately, I’m barely able to walk to the bathroom. I made it outside to the corner store yesterday, but that was using all my strength.

Thank you all for your wonderful sympathies…. that really does help. The thought of wine right now though, make me want to retch.

I’m going to decide whether to call the doctor today, since I get home on a Friday to the states and I have a wedding to go to on Saturday.

The problem now is that I can’t tell if my stomach problems are the result of hardly being able to eat anything or something gone horribly wrong in my gut.

A lesson to you all: don’t drink too much rosé.

janbb's avatar

@andrew This si your mother speaking. Go to the doctor. If you don’t know how to do it, call a friend in town who can tell you what you should do.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I just read my answer over. Why did I say “Adam” when I meant Ben? Oy, vey. Sorry. Je t’espère sentir mieux bientôt, @andrew! Rest and fluids!

JLeslie's avatar

Are you in a hotel? The hotel will help you get a doctor. Did you say you have a fever? You could have camplybactor poisoning. I think that is treated with Cipro?? They might call it something different there. Go to the doctor.

marinelife's avatar

Rose? In France? No wonder you are sick, my friend. It is probably some kind of French curse.

andrew's avatar

@Marina Actually it’s what everyone drinks in the summer. I don’t even prefer it.

andrew's avatar

@all Antacids have magically made me feel much better, in addition to a little hummus and pita. Now I’m just hungry, but better than feeling sick.

chyna's avatar

Perfect. Now try to enjoy your last few hours in Paris and have a safe trip back.

marinelife's avatar

Flutheray! You are better. I am so glad. Hungry is a good sign. Take some sort of immune booster before getting on the plane home and right after. I use EmergenC.

Jeruba's avatar

@Marina, does it really make a difference? What does it do?

mangeons's avatar

We’re glad you’re feeling better, Anrew. ;)

tinyfaery's avatar

Who’s Anrew? ;)

augustlan's avatar

I’m so glad you’re feeling better!

marinelife's avatar

My experience and that of my friends (which is only anecdotal) who also take it, is that it cuts down on coming down with something 5–7 days after getting off an airplane. There are other immune boosters, but I have not personally used them so can’t recommend them.

I learned to do this when I spent a large part of my work life on airplanes. The sad fact is that coach passengers get 8 cubic feet of fresh air per hour. In first class, it is 23 cubic feet.

Only 2 % of the flying public flies most of the miles every year. If you don’t fly that often, you may not notice that you often get sick after you fly.

mangeons's avatar

@tinyfaery Why don’t you ask @janbb? ;)

janbb's avatar

@mangeons Ah, but I corrected myself. :-)

Anyway, I think “Anrew” is kinda cute!

erniefernandez's avatar

A_good_warm_shower…. the heat will relax your muscles, massage your headache away, and allow you to clear your sinuses as much as you like without the mess.

Just place your forehead right in the center of the jet from the showerhead so it hits your temples and focus on the sensation. Instant relief. Yep.

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