General Question

simone54's avatar

Is there anyway to fly for a decent price during the holidays?

Asked by simone54 (7642points) October 14th, 2010

How can I avoid these ridiculous gouging of prices to fly home for Christmas, short of flying home on Christmas day?

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9 Answers

marinelife's avatar

You have to buy way in advance.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

They get the highest price because the demand goes up. Basic economics higher demand——>higher prices. Fly on Christmas day.

simone54's avatar

Booking in advance isn’t helping. It was about $500 three months ago and it’s still the same.

risingonashes's avatar

Buy the tickets way in advance and shop around.
I usually go to all the online sites and find who has a special at the moment and go from there.

john65pennington's avatar

Now is the time to buy. wife and i just purchased a round trip ticket for our daughter for Christmas. the price is $339.00 from Seattle to Nashville. Southwest Airlines. make your purchase early. the prices change everyday.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Booking in advance means 330 days before. That is the first day the tickets are for sale.

chels's avatar

Make sure you check out and set up flight alerts. They’ll email you if any crazy deals are found. I’ve found really amazing deals (Newark to London roundtrip for $450). Just keep checking back daily. Also try looking at multiple airports in your area and where you’ll be flying to. :) Good luck!

Also: While buying in advance is a good tip, sometimes you can find even better last minute deals. So don’t worry about that.

JLeslie's avatar

Christmas day is a cheaper day to fly, sometimes the night of the 24th is inexpensive also. Returning you have to do it days ahead of New Years, by the 28th probably? Maybe the 29th is the same? Or, fly up days before Christmas and return on Christmas day.

I just looked up tickets flying on the 25th and they were $200 cheaper than the days surrounding it.

Austinlad's avatar

Two words: Book now!

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