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ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Do you celebrate (?) Sweetest Day?

Asked by ANef_is_Enuf (26839points) October 16th, 2010

I just learned that today is Sweetest Day. Every year I completely forget that this holiday exists until someone reminds me. For whatever reason I have a hard time acknowledging October 16th as a holiday.

Do you celebrate Sweetest Day?
Do you have special plans today with your s/o, or a date?

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24 Answers

chyna's avatar

No. To me it is just another made up “holiday” to sell flowers and cards. Everyday should be special when you are with someone you love.

marinelife's avatar

I never heard of it until this question.

Austinlad's avatar

Never heard of it and appreciate your letting us know, @TheOnlyNeffie. I’ll celebrate by doing exactly what the occasion was created for. No, not buy candy, but rather, tell as many people in my life as I can how much I appreciate them.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

If nothing else I feel better not being the only one.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Yeff! said with a mouth full of chocolate and a rose between my teeth

janbb's avatar

@Austinlad Ooh – start with me please!

I had two cookies for breakfast and that was before I heard of this Hallmark holiday!

Cruiser's avatar

Yes…I hand these out all day long!

partyparty's avatar

Have to say I’ve never heard of Sweetest day… until now that is, so no I won’t be celebrating it!

aprilsimnel's avatar

Is this one of those “Hallmark holidays”? Well, no sale, farkin’ Greeting Card Industry. No sale.

Anyway, if you’re with someone you love, every day is Sweetest Day. D’uh.

ducky_dnl's avatar

I never knew this holiday existed until today. So everyone can take that as a no.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Is this a regional thing? I know that I often forget about it, because it seems insignificant. It has been a holiday for almost as far back as I can remember, though. It’s interesting that so many people have never heard of it.

Mikewlf337's avatar

No I do not. Just another Valentines Day so businesses can sell more crap. I don’t have anyone in my life so there is no point in observing those days.

tedibear's avatar

It’s a regional thing. Mostly in the Great Lakes region. This wikipedia article gives a good history.

I don’t celebrate it. I find it to be a secondary Valentine’s Day, which I also don’t like.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@tedibear Great Lakes region would be us. That makes sense.

tedibear's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie – Yup. Anything to keep American Greetings in business! :P

LuckyGuy's avatar

I just gave my Fluther Crush a GQ. Does that count?

tedibear's avatar

@worriedguy – Of course it does! More meaningful than a box of candy at the very least.

@TheOnlyNeffie – I remember a co-worker who was planning her wedding here in NE Ohio. She wasn’t from here. It was one of those – “Hey, let’s get married” kind of deals so she only had about 6 weeks to plan Four florists turned her down because she was planning it, unknowingly, for Sweetest Day. Number five accepted but did ask if she was crazy.

chyna's avatar

Apparently I’m not @worriedguy‘s crush. I didn’t just ask a question. Hmmpf.

janbb's avatar

@chyna T’aint me either sadly.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@worriedguy ;)

@tedibear wow, I didn’t realise it was that significant, either! I am really surprised to learn that it is a regional thing, I truly had no idea. Just another reason that I should get out of Ohio. lol.

LuckyGuy's avatar

<—- Me blushing .
@chyna, @janbb and ;-) Awwh shucks. I didn’t know you cared.

See guys? I told you you didn’t need a prostate to be successful with the ladies.

janbb's avatar

@worriedguy Fess up now – who is it?

LuckyGuy's avatar

@janbb I never kiss and tell.
I will say she and I think a lot alike on a surprising number of issues.

(Oh, in case you are wondering, I am the taller guy on the left.)

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