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MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Any other computer programs that can read my Kindle books?

Asked by MyNewtBoobs (19064points) October 23rd, 2010

So, I’d love to read my Kindle books on a program other than Kindle for PC due to my feeling that the program sucks. Are there any others that can do that, or does the DRM stand in the way of me and a good reading experience on this mediocre Saturday?

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3 Answers

ben's avatar

Check out Calibre. It’s a great e-book converter (and free) and it works nicely with my Kindle. I haven’t tried converting from the Kindle format, but that’s where I’d start.

ratboy's avatar

I know nothing about this.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@ben I love Calibre but it just opens azw’s in Kindle for PC.

@ratboy For some reason my computer isn’t recognizing the Python scripts today…

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