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serenityNOW's avatar

Quick Question: Can I Wear a Short-sleeve Dress Shirt and Tie At a Job Interview?

Asked by serenityNOW (3643points) October 25th, 2010

Interview is in an hour, and I can’t find a long-sleeve dress shirt. Should I just wear a nice button down, or the short-sleeve? It’s for a job at CVS/Pharmacy here in NY. I’m just going to be floor-staff, or maybe shift-supervisor, but not in the pharmacy section.

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15 Answers

CMaz's avatar

Yes you can. I have done it that way for years.

As long as you represent respect, cleanliness and organization.

marinelife's avatar

If it was for a white-collar job, I would say no, but at a CVS. short sleeves should be OK with a tie.

stratman37's avatar

Don’t dress for the job you HAVE, dress for the job you WANT.

serenityNOW's avatar

Nice feedback guys! Thanks!

john65pennington's avatar

Good luck. yes, its okay.

Austinlad's avatar

Absolutely okay.

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trailsillustrated's avatar

wear the nice button down. tie + short sleeve shirt = NO NO

serenityNOW's avatar

Thanks again… the short-sleeve with tie is now final – it took me about 10 times to get the darn tie on. You can see how often I dress-up!

@john65pennington: thanks for the good wishes ;)

Trillian's avatar

Good luck! Let us know how it went.

serenityNOW's avatar

@Trillian: Well, I got lucky; everyone there was wearing ties, so I made the right choice…

Thanks Jellies for making this work out; I think I’ll get the job

P.S.; the pay is crap, but I’d get benefits and room for more compensation/promotions

Neizvestnaya's avatar

If the button down is long sleeved then choose that.

downtide's avatar

I’ve always been taught that you shouldn’t wear a short sleeved shirt with a tie, but personally I think it’s fine. In any case if I were going to a job interview I would be wearing a suit jacket and wouldn’t be taking it off, so no-one would know anyway.

Good luck with the job.

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