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serenityNOW's avatar

Have You Ever Peed in Your Car?

Asked by serenityNOW (3643points) October 26th, 2010

So, I’m talking to a woman who comes into my video shop once or twice a week. She told me a tale of how she only gets Venti (large) drinks from Starbucks. Well, one day I guess her drink went-south quick and she needed a place to pee. So, yup, she peed into her Starbucks cup. Unfortunately, that day… here it comes… she only got a grande (medium) that day! Yuck So, jellies – ever been in a similar circumstances, or near similar?

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27 Answers

josie's avatar

Oh, absolutely.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

No,but a yogurt cup on my boat is a wonderful porta-potty.Just wonder-full.

erichw1504's avatar

Yes, but it wasn’t a similar circumstance. I was laughing too hard… :(

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Thankfully, my anatomy allows me to easily stand up and pee outside of my car, so, no.

Coloma's avatar

Some years ago I was staking out my ex-husband who had changed jobs and was skipping out on his child support.

Was staking out his apartment at 5a.m. with the intention of following him to his new place of employment to pass on the info. to my attorney.

I would make one hell of a detective let me assure you, right down to the perfect aim of peeing in my coffee cup in the car. lol

Unfortunetly he came out and got in his car right as I was in mid-stream…sooo, lost him on the freeway, but….I was very proud of myself for not spilling a drop on that stakeout! haha

serenityNOW's avatar

@josie – Really?

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities – hmmm, your name suggests otherwise ;)

@erichw1504 – reminds me of a time when I was a little kid with my buddy and I laughed so hard I farted – inevitably, that led to more laughter!

serenityNOW's avatar

@Coloma – that’s why we leave the detective work to the professionals!

josie's avatar

@jonfreed I wasn’t driving it at the time. Just in case you were trying to picture it.

Coloma's avatar


Yeah, the peeing in a cup was easy, but sitting in the dark for hours sucked. lol

ucme's avatar

No but almost. Three years ago I was at a funeral, a distant relative. En route from the church service to the crematorium I was absolutely bursting my pipes. For the entire journey (around 20mins) I basically tapped my feet Fred Flinstone style on the floor of the car. Mercifully I made it, just in time. Honestly never needed to go that much before or since. Even when i’m drunk it’s not that bad. So yeah, close but no cigar.

serenityNOW's avatar

@Coloma – Imagine you hired a detective and he said “I’m sorry, your ex got away – I was peeing in a coffee cup at the time.”

Coloma's avatar


Expensive cup of coffee. :-)

rts486's avatar

Of course!

diavolobella's avatar

No, but I had to pee in the back of the school bus on the way home from a very long band trip in high school. I hid behind a pile of pom poms and flags (I was on the flag twirling/pom pom team). Oh, and I used a Pringles can. LOL

LuckyGuy's avatar

Yep! Been there. Done that. Especially for a few months after I had the prostate out. I had to go every 20 minutes or as soon as I stood up . Yikes. I carried a hospital urinal with me.
One of my fears was getting caught hanging out and being arrested as a sex offender.

Coloma's avatar


You are a worried guy!...that would never cross my mind, but then…lol

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Um, no, but I have used a Folger’s can in a deerstand before.

JustmeAman's avatar

I never had done it in my car but we used to take a jug with us on the boat all the time. We did that so no one would do it in the lakes. We always emptied it in proper places on shore.

Coloma's avatar

Thinking..I should go pee around my patio to keep the deer from eating my willow tree. lol

Austinlad's avatar

Driving the I-10 from Flagstaff to Phoenix, my friend and I encountered a three-hour traffic delay due to an overturned truck. Thank God we had soda bottles, and I’ll leave it at that.

picante's avatar

Yup—got caught in a horrendous traffic snarl with no way to extricate myself. My bladder held out for a couple of hours, but I finally had to use available resources to get some relief. Thank goodness I had a small plastice box in the front seat and a sweater to drape myself. Not something I want to repeat too often.

Rarebear's avatar

Yup. Planned. I once swiped a bedside urinal so I could pee in the car on a long drive.

DominicX's avatar


Maybe back when I was in diapers…

CMaz's avatar

“Have You Ever Peed in Your Car?”

I wish!

Aster's avatar

I actually thought ALL men did this! Boy, @Coloma. You must be an acrobat.

woodcutter's avatar

only by accident, hey it was very windy!

mattbrowne's avatar

No, but our cat has on the way to the vet. Boy, it took weeks till the smell was gone.

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