Social Question

ducky_dnl's avatar

Do you have a favorite inside joke... Care to share?

Asked by ducky_dnl (5384points) October 26th, 2010 from iPhone

Okay, we all have had inside jokes throughout our lives. Whether they make sense or not. So.. I was wondering what your favorite(s) inside jokes are.. If you care to share. The reason I’m asking is because I was texting my friend and she said one of our inside jokes and I started laughing. So, anyway, care to share? Mine is “Calagazoo Batman!” whenever I think of this I fall out. It is between me and my best-friend. Also, “Wheels on a car? Nahh!” Lol! (:

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23 Answers

ucme's avatar

O.J.Simpson! :¬)

erichw1504's avatar

Yes, frizzer. That is all.

MissPoovey's avatar

My family have one that is currently going around that everyone that over hears thinks we are terrible-
‘I love you now get down!’

Cruiser's avatar

That’s what she said! XD

anartist's avatar

Smithsonian inside joke [Natural History Museum]—the annual replacement of the cast elephant turd under the stuffed elephant in the atrium. Unfortunately this was discontinued when a new exhibit placed the elephant in a ‘natural habitat’ instead of merely on a blank pedestal in the middle of the atrium.

@erichw1504 may your pants be full of popcorn when they bury you under the pool!

Friends and I used to play this game #27a “but he got on the camel and rode it into town.
#27b You picked the ugly camel!
und so weiter . . .

ducky_dnl's avatar

@Cruiser Lol when me and my best friend (girl) hear a guy say something funny or it sounds sexual.. We’ll be like “That’s what he said!”

Austinlad's avatar

I used to work with a film director in L.A. doing TV commercials, and we would endlessly joke about the name of a town near L.A. called Oxnard. We’d use the word for anything we happened to be talking about, like, whether we shuld have samlon for dinner or the grilled Oxnard. Or did we have enough Oxnards to light the set. Our friends and dates grew to hate us for that.

Also, my brother and I used to make up crazy names for products, like, for a garlic supplement, “Garley Begone.” Stupid stuff, but we had a ball making people crazy.

LuckyGuy's avatar

He’s slower than a Gleason 6 tumor in a 86 year old. (A regular laugh riot)

anartist's avatar

Damn @Austinlad! Oxnard! Boyfriend from many years back was hitch hiking across the U.S. long time ago and going to pool halls and hustling games to make it to the next town [he once took on a troop of Boy Scouts and shamelessly cleaned them out] but when he got to Oxnard, no pool action, no hitches. “Stuck in Oxnard” was his expression for running into a brick wall.

free_fallin's avatar

Cheesecake and french fries. Also, “Tim can fall into a hole”.

Ahhh. I love my inside jokes.

Foolaholic's avatar

“Grill Skills”
The resident Hobo
“That bear’s not getting that pie.”

smokeweedeveryday's avatar

“Well i was getting my dick sucked”

daytonamisticrip's avatar


bluemukaki's avatar

I’ll tell you all about it when I get off this Alfred Wheel…

erichw1504's avatar

Butt juice.

timtrueman's avatar

@free_fallin I think you mean our inside jokes :P

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Blondesjon's avatar

Attifreealltude Nickels.

Deja_vu's avatar

Debbie cheese bag

Resonantscythe's avatar

Me:“so I should be there in about x minutes”
Best friend:” okay so you will be here in about 2x minutes”
Me:“sounds about right”

muppetish's avatar

Friend: Popcorn!
Me: [insert expletive], I lost the Game.

It always happens.

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