Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

What are your unrealistic expectations of your SO?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) November 1st, 2010

We’ve all looked starry-eyed at our partners. But what have you imagined in those moments? What did you think it could be like that, in fact, was an unrealistic expectation?

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19 Answers

SelfConsumingCannibal_IsBack's avatar

That they will feel exactly the same as you on all important matters.

Smashley's avatar

That the fact that my love was unconditional meant that hers should be too.

crazyivan's avatar

That they will stay the same. People always say “He/she’s not like he/she was”, or “we don’t talk like we used to”, but in a long relationship you have to be prepared for people to grow and mature.

Blondesjon's avatar

That after all this time she actually has any expectations of me, unrealistic or not.

believe it or not, i can tend to wear on a person

Cruiser's avatar

That she will tell me what I want to hear. ;)

ducky_dnl's avatar

That he’d be a virgin. Seems very unrealistic.

Aster's avatar

That he will suddenly care about his health to the point of eating right and at least, walking. not saying I do it; but I at least care about health.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

It is unrealistic for him to wear a Superman costume.Especially with this colder weather

ucme's avatar

I don’t place unrealistic expectations on anyone, myself included. I’d consider that an unnecessary burden.

cak's avatar

That he will actually plan some kind of romantic surprise. That’s just not his thing. Yet, I still hope for it to happen. Not sure why. Otherwise, I can’t really complain.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’m not sure if it’s an expectation or wishful thinking but I keep wanting to think my partner will one day not crave to use drugs or abuse alcohol.

YARNLADY's avatar

In the early days, he still could have had a Bill Gates type invention, but he opted for the slow, steady, tried and true, working for someone, with great employee benefits.

Iclamae's avatar

I used to have quite a few until I realized that I couldn’t justify them. So those issues were worked through and removed.

Now I just keep hoping he’ll have something custom-made for me.

cookieman's avatar

That she’ll overcome her natural, disorganized, cluttered personality and magically feel the need to put everything back in its place, pick up after herself and stop running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

but then, what would I do with all that free time?

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

That he’ll never stop sneaking up from behind, giving a squeeze and a peck on the back of my neck.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I often expect him to read my mind no, really!

crazyivan's avatar

@Leanne1986 And he doesn’t? That jerk…

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@Leanne1986 That expectation alone is worthy of a Fluther topic of discussion. I can guarantee that you aren’t the only one who expects or wishes for mind-reading capabilities in their SO. :)

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