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MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Do you ever rearrange books at bookstores?

Asked by MyNewtBoobs (19064points) November 1st, 2010

I went to Barnes & Noble over the weekend, and found one section in such array that I couldn’t find my book. The messiness was so distracting that I couldn’t even search for it through each and every book. So I rearranged the shelves, putting them in order. I didn’t even really alphabetize them, just put all copies of books or by one author or a set together. After about half an hour, I realized this may not be normal… And then continued to do it for another half an hour. Do you do this, too, or is it just me?

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25 Answers

Seaofclouds's avatar

I do that sometimes too and not just with books and the book store. If I’m in a clothing store and I’m trying to find a shirt in my size that is in a bunch of shirts that use to be folded neatly in a pile, I’ll fold the shirts and stack them while I’m trying to find my size. I think it comes as a habit from years of retail work when I was younger.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Seaofclouds I always feel bad when I take a shirt out of a pile only to find it needs to be put back, because I don’t know how to fold them nicely. I can get it into the general shape but it looks all sloppy… And then I feel like a bad customer.

lemming's avatar

Ya I used to rearange books all the time…but I worked there.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I spent 10 years working in retail books and I never got over it. I still straighten shelves, face out multiple copies of one title (and sometimes face out authors I like), help customers find things, make gift reccommendations, etc. etc. Maybe it’s time I went back to work in that field and get paid for it!

crisw's avatar

I’ve been known to reshelve books on creationism in the fiction section rather than the science section :>D

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Guilty. And it isn’t limited to books. Individual packets of condiments get resorted into the appropriate bins. You know those brochure and greeting card display racks? If one is found out of place, it gets put back in the proper slot.

Cruiser's avatar

No but I have accessorized the mannequins at the men’s store.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer Oooo, I do that, too. It drives me insane when people put them back all hodge-podge! How hard is it to put it back in the one you got it from instead of the one right next to it??

muppetish's avatar

People have assumed I work at shops because I hover around aisles organizing misplaced items. Specifically regarding books: I rearrange them at book shops, thrift stores, libraries, and people’s homes (unless they stop me.) I spent a solid hour in a thrift shop organizing the books by size, series, and genre.

What makes no sense, is that my library of books are not organized. I know where every book is, but they aren’t ordered or even located in the same place. When I see books disorganized elsewhere though it drives me up the wall. I don’t know why.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@Cruiser For some reason, that sounds kinda sexy coming from you.
@papayalily All it took was taking one swig of coffee in the a.m. that had a Hazelnut creamer that came from the plain creamer bin to start that habit up.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@muppetish : I’ll do your books if you do mine!

YARNLADY's avatar

I do that all the time, and not only with books. I found out my grandson is getting to be the same way. He spent nearly a half hour while Grandpa was in the check out line, rearranging the pillow pets, putting each animal together

Cruiser's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer ;D Just doing my part as I think a man needs to look his best even if he is made of plaster and fiberglass! :))

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@YARNLADY Your grandson is soooo adorable!

seazen's avatar

Um, what @marinelife said. OCD alert.

ratboy's avatar

I don’t go to bookstores, but I do rearrange books at the library. I arrange them by length of spine, and among those that are equally tall, by thickness.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@ratboy You know that’s actually messing the system up, right?

ratboy's avatar

@papayalily: You prefer one system, and I prefer another. It’s a public library.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@ratboy Yeah, I don’t think that’s how it works… It may be publicly funded and for the people, but it’s also private property. Like public schools.

ratboy's avatar

@papayalily, are you insinuating that I’m a tax evader?

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I also push grocery store carts/buggies used by others either back into a parking lot bin or into the store. It has nothing to do with an obsession but about being kind to others. It really irritates me to see a deserted cart taking up space in a parking slot or potentially scratching another’s car.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer That I don’t do. But I do take the cart that is right next to where I parked instead of getting one inside.

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