Meta Question

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Why is spellcheck disabled for the title of questions?

Asked by MyNewtBoobs (19064points) November 3rd, 2010

When asking a question on Fluther, you can use spellcheck for the details but not the title? Why is this, and could we please change it?

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14 Answers

augustlan's avatar

The spellchecker is on your browser, not on Fluther… we actually don’t have a built-in spell checker. I’m not sure why the titles aren’t getting checked, though. Something to do with coding, I think. I’ll pass this along to the tech guys and see if they have an answer for us!

jrpowell's avatar

In firefox you can right click to enable spell checking in the field.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@augustlan Yeah, I know, but I have spellchecker on and the glitch is in both Opera and Firefox.

Sarcasm's avatar

@papayalily You have spellchecker on, but did you manually enable it for that specific field? By default, it’s disabled (for whatever reason).

Just for increased knowledge, Chrome does by default have the spellcheck enabled for this field. I had no idea you could individually enable/disable it for certain ones though.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Sarcasm Well, would you look at that? Thanks!

wilma's avatar

So we can all know about the frizzer.

jrpowell's avatar

I was trying to sleep and this was bugging the shit out of me and the best I could come up with was Firefox doesn’t check single line text fields. Turns out I think I was right. I think It does this to prevent triggering on forms where you enter your name or address. Random shit that would set it off.

So I dug around about:config and if you find layout.spellcheckDefault and set it to 2 it will spell check everything.

augustlan's avatar

@johnpowell is awesome. Just sayin’.

Brian1946's avatar


I agree.

I went to about:config, modified the value to 2, and now Firefox checks the spelling.

wilma's avatar

I can’t seem to find this, I wonder what I’m doing wrong?

Brian1946's avatar


If you use Firefox, enter about:config in your URL (address) window, and go there, you should find the Preference Names arranged alphabetically.

wilma's avatar

Thank you @Brian1946 , I got it!

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