Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

What do you talk to your hair stylist about?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) November 8th, 2010

I was getting my hair cut, and the guy cutting my hair starts asking about what I do, so I mention a few things, and then, I don’t know what possessed me, I claimed to be a writer. So he asked if I had any books, and I said no one ever wanted to publish anything I wrote. He asked if I wrote online and I told him I was on one of the question and answer sites. I’m pretty sure he had no idea what I was talking about.

Then he asked me what I wrote about, and I said I wrote about this and that and when I got to “relationships” he stopped me there, and next thing I know I’m diagnosing real people’s lives without a license. Using the stuff I’ve learned here, I trotted out bits and pieces of fluther wisdom. Over and over, he’d say, “that’s deep.” It was a little weird. Ok, it was a lot weird. I guess fluther might be more meaningful to people than I realized.

So that’s an unusual conversation. Still, it made me wonder what other people talk about with the people who cut their hair.

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27 Answers

chyna's avatar

I can’t get a word in edgewise with my hairdresser. She talks about her kids, non-stop.

answerjill's avatar

Mine talks to me about how she is undergoing fertility treatments.

MissAnthrope's avatar

If I’m going to a salon, I generally don’t talk to the people cutting my hair. Something about the whole process of having my hair washed, played with, cut, blow dried.. well, it puts me in a trance-like zone that is sleepy, warm, and nice. I like to enjoy the feeling, rather than spoil it by making small talk with a stranger (something that is often awkward and anxiety-producing for me). I am polite, of course, if they ask questions, but I try not to talk during the process because I want to enjoy how good it feels.

Now, my regular stylist is my best friend, Mike. He is the only person I trust implicitly to do my hair. He’s been doing my cuts and colors forever and thank god, because I am a fashion/style disaster on my own. I can’t even begin to express how AMAZING he makes me look and it’s always worth the wait between cuts. It’s incredibly rare, like Bigfoot rare, that anyone else can work that kind of magic on me.

So, when Mike is working on me, we gossip and give each other shit. And then I come out looking super hot. It’s awesome.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I don’t have a hair stylist anymore. I never really talked to the ones I did have, though. They did most of the talking.

Joybird's avatar

I color my hair and my eldest daughter is a hair dresser. She cut’s it, usually in my dining room. We don’t talk much. She just wants to get it done. (Laughing now.)

ucme's avatar

Oh nowt special, just brief highlights really.

rooeytoo's avatar

I am in the same boat as @chyna only mine talks about everything, non stop. My ears are ringing when I leave but at least I don’t have to make small talk myself. She is like the energizer bunny, she just keeps on going!!!

AmWiser's avatar

I’m just getting to know my hair dresser, so we just have small talk. Also they usually have a TV on and most of the talk in the shop is about the movie or soap that’s on.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

We talk about everything and joke around alot which is probably why my friend asked if my hairdresser is still drinking. :)

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Nothing, as she is deaf.

lloydbird's avatar

@ucme Kudos for use of the word ”nowt”.

erichw1504's avatar

My hairdresser (barber) is my wife. We have one of them hair cutting kits with the different numbers for each length. So, we talk about how she wants me to go to a real barber next time and get it cut.

ucme's avatar

@lloydbird Oh it was nothing really :¬)

Cruiser's avatar

How much time do I have left??

erichw1504's avatar

Should I go with a mohawk or a fohawk?

MissAnthrope's avatar

Faux hawk. I have bad mohawk connotations (ex girlfriend).

cazzie's avatar

This is easy… I open my mouth and try to talk and they catch me out as a foreigner and start asking me where I’m from and what brought me here…. so the hair is done by the time the story ends. hahahaha

Likeradar's avatar

I’ve been going to my awesome stylist every six weeks for over a year…we talk about men, sex, money, friendships, politics, fashion, pop culture, travel, drinking, restaurants… It’s kinda a cliche how close we are for those 2-ish hours.

downtide's avatar

We mostly talk about what movies we’ve seen recently, and give each other reccommendations. It’s usually a brief conversation: my hair is very short and it doesn’t take long to cut it.

Kayak8's avatar

My sister cuts my hair, so we talk about the usual sister stuff.

Cupcake's avatar

When I get a hairdresser who is in college, we talk about their professional goals and desires, what classes they are taking, their academic interests, etc. I find that to be the most interesting and enjoyable.

The guy I went to most recently had been recommended by a friend. He had just opened his own salon, so we talked about “home improvement” kinds of things. He went into great detail about how he mixed sparkles in with the purple paint for the walls.

I dislike talking about my family with strangers. I would prefer silence (and have sat silently through haircuts).

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casheroo's avatar

Mine is my best friend (literally), so we talk love life, sex life, reminisce.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

We talk about our kids, my tango nights out, her family in China.

Jude's avatar

My family (she knows my sister) and her kids.

OpryLeigh's avatar

My hair dresser is a good friend of mine and we have a few mutual friends so we always have a lot to talk about just based on those two things. We also talk about dogs, family, hair funny that!, what we’ve been up to since we last saw each other. I love getting my hair done because it is a social eventfor me.

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