Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

Why do the news reports say that Facebook's email system is such a huge threat to Google?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) November 15th, 2010

I heard this on the news this morning, and I couldn’t really understand it. Doesn’t Facebook already have an emailing system? And why would these threaten Google at all? Google seems to do so many different things.

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11 Answers

jerv's avatar

I can take two guesses;

1) Google is paranoid and wants to be the only commonly used messaging system in existence.

2) The news reports want to drum up viewership so they are using the word “threatened
to hook people into reading.

I mean, it’s no secret that there is already bad blood between the two, but I think that this story is rather sensationalized.

phaedryx's avatar

Dramatic headlines sell papers (or, get more pageviews).

Lots of email replacements have tried and failed. I’m skeptical.

Blueroses's avatar

Media making a big deal out of nothing. As @jerv said, nothing gets attention like the word “threat”.

DeanV's avatar

Because it comes from Facebook HQ, and they’re pretty big on that thing called the internet.

What they have to say makes no real difference.

They said it themselves it’s no threat to gmail.

jerv's avatar

BTW, here is one of the stories that @wundayatta is referring to. It links to a story of where Google blocked Facebook and other tit-for-tat things these two have done to each other over the years.

Zyx's avatar

Facebook: A disease.
Google: Free information platform.

We just need to make sure Google handles it’s monopoly responsibly.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Because it’s obvious that everyone in the world will stop using Google immediately and sign up for FB.

Zyx's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies If that’s sarcasm: shame on you for using it on the internet. And if it’s not sarcasm, SHAME ON YOOOUUUUU.

erichw1504's avatar

That’s a good question.

flutherother's avatar

Gmail works for me.

Andreas's avatar

<RANT>Both are acting just like kids in the sand box, or like politicians in government houses. They’re disgusting. I wish they’d just grow up.</RANT>

From what I’ve read, FB wants to integrate all communication together in one place, which probably would affect Google at least in the short term. BUT, that’s only if enough people sign up for an email account. That may be the hard sell for FB as all their users already have email accounts and some of them are email accounts.

I wish they’d just do their thing and stop bickering as the corporate brats they are. They might find they can co-exist.

Unfortunately, mountainous egos are now at play, so that won’t happen!

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