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OliverYoung's avatar

What does Diabetic nephropathy do?

Asked by OliverYoung (382points) November 17th, 2010

If anyone could (in simple terms) explain what the consequences of Diabetic nephropathy is, I’d be really happy. thanks

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10 Answers

Lightlyseared's avatar

It kills your kidneys.

The high level of glucose in a diabetics blood damages blood vessels in the kidney resulting in the kidney being damaged. Eventually dialysis and/or transplantation will be needed.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

My mother died of complications of diabetes.Kidney disease.She was on dialysis for a few years.

OliverYoung's avatar

All right, thanks. I got told that I have protein in my kidneys (I have diabetes), is that relevant to this?

Lightlyseared's avatar

That is a very early sign that the kidneys are being damaged. You want to work very hard on controlling blood glucose and blood pressure.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

@OliverYoung Proteinuria (protein in the urine) can be a symptom of diabetic nephropathy and is often linked to poor control of blood sugar levels. The elevated blood sugar eventually leads to the kidney becoming “leaky” (e.g. protein that would normally be filtered and returned to the blood instead passes through the kidney into the urine). If it progresses far enough, diabetic nephropathy can lead to complete kidney failure and the need for dialysis.

OliverYoung's avatar

Alright… thanks guys. seems like i need to shape up.

Andreas's avatar

@OliverYoung Here’s a link for you for a good discussion.

Protein can be in the urine for many reasons, according to doctors I’ve seen over the years. It does not have to mean a death sentence.

pathfinder's avatar

makes you tired,makes you sleepy,makes you ichy below a hip part of your body and on the end makes you blinde.I mean in the lucky case

thiruvelan's avatar

People with diabetes may, over time, develop nerve damage throughout the body called diabetic neuropathies, a set of nerve disorders caused by diabetes.

Common diabetic neuropathy symptoms are numbness, tingling, pain, burning sensation and needle sensation in foot.

Currently there is no permanent cure for diabetic neuropathy only keeps it from getting worst. Good diabetes care is the first step to prevent or treat diabetic neuropathy.

GlennBFisher's avatar

Nephropathy means kidney disease or damage. Diabetic nephropathy is damage to your kidneys caused by diabetes. In severe cases it can lead to kidney failure. But not everyone with diabetes has kidney damage.
There are no symptoms in the early stages. So it’s important to have regular urine tests to find kidney damage early. Sometimes early kidney damage can be reversed. As your kidneys are less able to do their job, you may notice swelling in your body, most often in your feet and legs.
If you are struggling to find best treatment of diabetes than according to me you must go with the ayurvedic medicines for diabetes. This treatment is not only good but provide best results to you.

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