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Nullo's avatar

What's the make/model of Luke Skywalker's blaster rifle?

Asked by Nullo (22012points) November 18th, 2010

The one that he has at the beginning of ANH, the one that gets hacked to bits with a gaffi stick.

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22 Answers

AustieZ's avatar

Off the top of my head, I’m not positive. But if I were to venture a guess, EE-3 is the one that keeps coming to mind. My second guess would be an E-11 but it seems to me they were Imperial Standard Issue and thus it would have been unlikely for one to be in the hands of Luke. Then again, I’m not entirely positive.

rangerr's avatar

I’m attempting to eat a burrito while answering this, so don’t think I’m crazy for taking a year to type one sentence..

As far as I know, it’s just a standard hunting blaster. I’m about 90% on this, but I’ll ask the 501st boys tonight.
Edit: I was corrected while on the phone. 6–2Aug2 Even I don’t know everything.

@AustieZ The EE-3 is the blaster Boba Fett has. The E-11 is only Stormtrooper (until they get into the Death Star and Han/Luke borrow a few.)

YARNLADY's avatar

I read that it resembles the (circa 1770) Kabyle Flintlock rifle

Nullo's avatar

You guys are awesome.:D

El_Cadejo's avatar

w00t w00t star wars nerdyness ftw :P

rangerr's avatar

@Nullo I got a phone call from one of the guys I was going to ask right after I said I wasn’t sure. I asked, and his response was “Why? Want me to make you one?”. I had to force myself to say no.

FutureMemory's avatar

Why say no?

jlelandg's avatar

@rangerr, I assume when you say 501st you’re talking about Battlefront 2! That’s really cool! The only thing is every battle for the 501st was “a suicide mission that no one would likely survive.

rangerr's avatar

@FutureMemory I don’t have room for anything else Star Wars at this point. I’ve already got blasters in my bed.

@jlelandg Errr.. 501st is one of the big Star Wars costuming clubs.. I believe member-wise, it’s the biggest now. (Also the only one that Lucas really admits even exists.)

El_Cadejo's avatar

501st are mentioned in alot aside from battlefront 2
im reading a book that I believe features them (only 4 pages in) right now :P

also screw you rangerr for editing it and getting a bunch of GA’s I answered it while you were still unsure :P

Nullo's avatar

@rangerr If your buddy is keen on making one anyway, I’d be happy to add it to my collection. XD
In fact, it is my intention to eventually acquire all of the firearms used as the props and mock them up into their movie-prop lookalikes. C96 Mausers – the base for the BlasTech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol – are hard to come by at gun shows. Alas!

El_Cadejo's avatar

I dont has any props aside from my vader saber :(

TexasDude's avatar

@Nullo, I like you, but I would be forced to murder you if you made a real C96 into a DL-44. Stick to airsoft, plz.

TexasDude's avatar

Fun Fact: Most of the “slugthrower” and Tusken Raider rifles in the Star Wars universe are based on the Afghani Jezail rifle, whereas most of the blasters were based on WWII weapons from both the Allies and Axis.

Nullo's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Would our friendship remain solid if I used a Chinese knockoff? Having a working gun is ¾ths of the point.

Anyway, from what I can tell the replication process is strictly additive, and may be accomplished with adhesives.

TexasDude's avatar

@Nullo, *sigh, I suppose, as long as it’s in shitacular condition. Even the Chinese ones are tough to find these days.

FutureMemory's avatar

@Nullo Be sure to post pics if you ever accomplish this feat of bad-assery.

gorillapaws's avatar

I have voiced this objection in a previous thread, but I think making a lethal firearm look like a prop/toy is potentially a very deadly mistake. It’s like storing poison in a wine bottle or something.

Nullo's avatar

@gorillapaws Fear not, the same rules of responsible gun ownership would still apply.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Nullo I thought one of the rules of responsible gun ownership would include not disguising it’s lethality…

Nullo's avatar

@gorillapaws Nope.
The Rules – there is no definitive codification – are all based on the assumption that the firearm is loaded, even if it is not. Things like “don’t point it at anybody that you like,” “always check to be sure that it’s not loaded,” and “keep your finger off of the trigger until you’re ready to squeeze it.”
Follow these (and the Do Not Touch rules of replica collection), and a gun that resembles a replica will pose no more of a risk than one that does not.

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