Social Question

BarnacleBill's avatar

Have you ever seen someone slipping something into someone's drink? What would you do?

Asked by BarnacleBill (16128points) November 18th, 2010

Have you ever witnessed a guy at a bar or restaurant slipping something into his date’s drink? What did/would you do?

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9 Answers

poisonedantidote's avatar

A few times, I used to work in a club when I was a teenager, doing all the lighting effects. As I got older I left and got a job as a security guard, but I did return to the club for a few months one summer to work on the door.

Putting things in drinks got you kicked out, just like any other drug. The cops would never be called if someone was just taking some drugs, but if they where putting something in someone elses drink the owner would normally insist that the cops be called, other times he would just tell us to “make sure he learns not to do that”.

If it happened today now that im not working on the door, it would depend. If it where friends or a family members drink then you would get a pasting. If it where a strangers drink, the door man or owner would be told, then the owner of the drink would be told.

EDIT: After watching the video, I should just point out, that it is not as easy to spot as in the video. Normally, they will drug the drink right in front of the person they intend to drug. They will make a pointing gesture and just drop it in, or they will wait for them to turn their head a moment. or, sometimes they would buy a drink and drug it on their way to the table. It is not easy to spot at all.

WestRiverrat's avatar

The bartender and whoever was drinking the drink would be told.

ETpro's avatar

I’ve never seen it happen. Of course, I hardly ever go to bars anymore. But if I ever did witness it, I would do exactly the same as @WestRiverrat.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

If the drink was between them I would fake slipping on a wet spot fall between them shoving the drink behind the bar or on the opposite end of the table. If the drink was on the end I would make some pretense to get something near the drink then sneeze in it and offer to get her another.

rts486's avatar

Call the cops, it is nothing short of a criminal act. If I found out somebody put drugs into one of my daughter’s drink, I would personally make sure they never did it again.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I have never witnessed such a thing, but I can’t imagine not saying something. I always see those shows on TV where someone is doing something terrible.. and no one speaks up. I don’t get that, not at all. Open your mouth before someone gets hurt. Who needs to save face at a time like that?

iamthemob's avatar

I have not. However, I would.

(1) Inform the drinker, bartender.

(2) Take the drink out of play for evidence.

(3) Call the police.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’ve never seen anything while working in restaurants with a bar or going out with friends to clubs but if I did then I’d definitely tell the bartender and also the floor manager.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I’ve never seen it happen, but have been a recipiant of something like that. In college, my friends and I attended a fraternity party. While waiting in line for a beer, one of the brothers came out of the kitchen area and offered the females a beer he poured out of a pitcher. Not too much later, the friends noticed that I was in a zombie state and kindly walked me back to the dorm. None of us reported it. In looking back, it is a shame that we didn’t. Who knows what happened to the other young women who drank the same beer.

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