Social Question

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Why do people post in Craiglist Strictly Platonic when they clearly want more?

Asked by MyNewtBoobs (19064points) November 29th, 2010

What’s the reasoning behind people who post in CL Strictly Platonic but clearly want more? Do they not understand the word platonic, or it’s a good tactic, or what? I’m truly curious as to the reasoning behind this.

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9 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I’ve never done a posting in either but I’m thinking it makes them feel less naughty.

wundayatta's avatar

Because when they posted in the other areas, they only got sexual come-ons and pictures of penises.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@wundayatta Then if that’s not what they want, what are they looking for in SP? Is it like dating is then casual encounters, so SP becomes LTRs?

Summum's avatar

Goodness I’ve never been in Craigs list. Maybe I will have to look at that site. Strickly Platonic would be just friends do you think they are just looking for friends?

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Summum Well, in my experience, phrases like “STD free”, “Sexy ladies need a massage?”, and “I wanna lick you all over” tend to indicate that they’re hoping for more…

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@papayalily I can do platonic and I want to lick you all over at the same time.

wundayatta's avatar

@papayalily Yes. I think that’s what happens. If you go into casual, and you get noone to respond, or you want something a little more than casual but less than ltr, they might show up in LTR, figuring they’ll have better luck there.

Unless you’e a woman or a hunk with a gigantic dick, I don’t think people have much luck in CR. So the others migrate to see if they can have better luck elsewhere.

Summum's avatar

Oh I gotcha. I would say no to the platonic thing. LOL

JustJessica's avatar

If you look closely, most people that post on the craigslist personal section post in all the areas, I’ve seen the same guys on casual encounters on the male for male section, and vice versa for the women, as well as in the strictly platonic and the misc. romance section.

I say they are all just horn dogs and they figure if they post in all the sections eventually they will get a hit.

As for me I’m a hopeless romantic and love reading the missed connections!! But when I need a laugh I read the men for men or the casual encounters. People are hilarious!

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