Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

Would you tell the story of someone close to you who you are very proud of?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) December 6th, 2010

What is your relationship to them? What did they do that made you so proud? What effect has this pride had on your relationship?

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6 Answers

crisw's avatar

My sister and her husband. Once rather conservative Christians, they have become much more liberal. When a pastor at their former church gave a sermon against gay marriage and for CA Proposition 8, they stood up and walked out of the church. That made my day!

ETpro's avatar

My son graduated from Berkeley College of Music with a double major in Film Scoring and in Music COmposition. He also attended the ROTC program at Northeastern University. He is now deployed in Afghanistan. He was just assigned as Electronic Warfare Officer at USFOR-A (United States Forces, Afghanistan). I am proud as a parent can be of his determination and how he has set his sights on things that at first seemed unattainably, then proceeded to obtain them/

nebule's avatar

My four year old son. He’s got such an amazing character. He’s talented, clever and humble. He tells me he loves me randomly and gives me a hug if I’m upset or stub my toe! He teaches me to be patient and not get so angry… He self-regulates his behaviour. He knows when enough is enough with food and games and he sleeps really well. I’m proud of him for everything he does.

BoBo1946's avatar

@crisw as you know, I’m a Christian, but pastors should leave politics out of the church. They should teach the Bible and stay away from their opinions. Also, I’m a great believers in teaching the New Testament that preaches Jesus love for mankind. He loved us enough to give his life for ALL of us…. That is cool stuff….

filmfann's avatar

My daughter was able to leave a life of meth manufacture and drug dealing and using, and get a regular boring job, buy a house, and stay clean for about 8 years now. She is a single mom, and is quite devoted to her son.

BoBo1946's avatar

@filmfann now, that is what i’m talking about… that took lots of guts on her part and love on your part! Touche my friend…..

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