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wundayatta's avatar

Are you afraid of your own imagination?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) December 7th, 2010

There are times when I imagine something happening, and I know it’s in my imagination, but I can feel it as if it is real. There are times when I feel a connection with someone, and we never even touch, and yet I feel like we are one person. These feelings can be very intense and very powerful, and they scare me.

Why? I feel like I’m going over some kind of edge between a scientific perception of the world and a magical perception of the world. It becomes hard to remain skeptical. My imagination tells me one thing and my skepticism tells me it’s very unlikely.

Like knowing things from a distance? Is that magic? Is that being psychic? Or is that just having a very good imagination that allows me to make good guesses about something based on very little information, or even, apparently, no information.

It scares me because it is so seductive. I want to believe in it so much. I want to be someone who is in touch with the extrasensory powers that be. But I don’t see any evidence for them, except in my own imagination which, after all, is only imagination.

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12 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

I made the mistake of thinking a woman and I had mutual feelings for each other, when she was just really friendly lol…...So I just go off of reality now. It’s hard to know when to use your imagination and when not to.

mYcHeMiCaLrOmAnCe's avatar

I know exactly what you’re talking about, my whole life is like that. But I still don’t know why it keeps happening, or what it is.

iamthemob's avatar

I’m not afraid of my imagination at all…but now I’m kind of afraid of yours….

wundayatta's avatar

@iamthemob And that ain’t the half of it! Be afraid! Be very afraid!

flutherother's avatar

You are afraid of a part of yourself, the part that has empathy for others and that loves. What you describe is not imagination so much as feeling. Why you should be afraid of your deepest feelings I don’t know unless you have been hurt in the past.

TexasDude's avatar

Not really, but it is a crazy thing, and that’s why I don’t do psychoactive drugs. I would probably have seriously bad trips.

HearTheSilence's avatar

I’m scared of my own imagination. I will all of a sudden be driving and get this flash of images where I get pancaked in between two huge trucks and obviously die. I have others where I’m always thinking, “what if some big hairy guy just all of a sudden came into my backyard with an axe and hacked away at my back door;” stupid stuff really. I actually looked into a therapist because all of those thoughts freaked me out and I really believed I was insane, but she said it was just an overactive imagination and that I was fine.

Cruiser's avatar

Very afraid…moments of paralyzed fear in fact! HS I come up with some really bizarre stuff for sure!! Quite a few good laughs up in there off-set the pain and suffering though!! XD

daytonamisticrip's avatar

I somewhat in a way fear my imagination. I fear that it will take control and force me to do something bad. I almost feel like I have no control and that I am going to do it.
Take a couple breaths and think of something else to get rid of scary thoughts. It barley works for me but maybe it will help for you.

YARNLADY's avatar

No, I embraced the magical part of myself a long time ago. It’s nothing to be afraid of, since you are in complete control at all times.

Blondesjon's avatar

Fear of ourselves and what we are is quite possibly the biggest crock of chicken fried bullshit we have ever fed ourselves.

i ain’t afraid of nothin’. i’m a motherfuckin’ james bond.

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