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wundayatta's avatar

Would you get or have you gotten cosmetic surgery?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) December 9th, 2010

I recently found out that a friend of mine had had a boob job. She said, “you know they aren’t real, right?” I had no idea. I don’t know how to tell these things. Another friend is considering whether to get hers done.

Now my instinct is to say you shouldn’t mess with nature for a cosmetic purpose. It just means you are going along with someone else’s idea about how you should look. On the other hand, if you look more attractive, people respond to you better.

There are all kinds of cosmetic surgeries possible. If you have had surgery, what was your thinking that led you to the decision to do it? What factors did you consider and what were the deciding factors.

If you haven’t had it, would you consider it? Why? What would make you decide to do it? If you are male, and you lost your testicles for whatever reason, would you have prosthetic testicles put in?

I’m mostly interested in your thinking on the subject. The whys and wherefores.

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21 Answers

Seaofclouds's avatar

I use to want a nose job because I felt like mine was too big and fat (for lack of a better description). Then my grandfather passed away. Everyone in my family always said I had his nose. Once he passed away, I couldn’t imagine changing mine.

I also have thought about getting a boob job before, but the idea of all the upkeep for them and dealing with them 30, 40, 50 years down the road was a turn off for me.

So, at least at this point, I’m sticking with what I have.

crisw's avatar

No. And, unless I had a disfiguring accident, I would never consider it. I hate societal pressures for women to conform to a certain look. I wish that more people paid as much attention to developing their minds as they did their chests or lips.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I haven’t had anything done. Yet. Since there’s a good chance I’ll live well into my 90’s and probably beyond then in the next decade I might get my undereyebags and eyebrowbags lifted so I can still see when I laugh and my eyes crinkle up. Also, if I develop a thin, swinging “gobbler” patch of neckskin then I might get that nipped & tucked- the thought of it kinda freaks me out. Other than that all else seems to be staying up remarkably well.

MissAusten's avatar

Well, I probably won’t ever do it, but I’d at least consider getting a boob job. Not to make them bigger, just to return them to their previous (before children) perky state. I highly doubt it’s something I’d ever want to spend that kind of money for though, not to mention I’d be concerned over potential risks or problems down the road. I also wouldn’t want to risk tampering with, how should I put this, sensitivity to the nerves in that region. I looked into it online once, and the way the procedure is done, plus the amount of time it takes for the swelling to go down and scars to fade, just didn’t seem worth it at all. I have no big complaints, my husband certainly isn’t complaining, so why bother?

No other kind of cosmetic surgery remotely appeals to me.

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chyna's avatar

If I had the money, yes I would.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I have not, but I would in a heartbeat.
However, my whys and wherefores behind my reasoning are an absolute mess, and I’m aware of that. I don’t have a healthy perception of my appearances, and cosmetic surgery sounds like a dream come true (although I recognize that it doesn’t work the way that my mind wants me to believe that it does.)
So, yes I would do it. I wish that I had the option to have any procedure I wanted without the concern of cost.

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ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@noelleptc I suspect that many women have the same thoughts. It’s pretty sad.

pro_pitbullluv's avatar

Had my boobs done, wish I hadn’t.

chyna's avatar

@pro_pitbullluv Why? Have you had issues with the results?

jca's avatar

not boobs, not botox, but I would consider getting my neck done (when the time comes), if i felt it looked a little saggy.

tedibear's avatar

If I had the money and could be guaranteed no complications from the surgery, then HELL YES! I would wait until I’m done losing weight though, in the hope that I would do it once and not ruin it by gaining weight.

From top to bottom, I would:

- Fix my slightly droopy right eyelid (can they even do that?)
– Nose job to cut down some of the angle. I hate being able to see the end of my nose when I look straight ahead.
– I’m starting to get some of that under-the-chin wattle thing. Partially from age, partially from losing my almost double chin.
– Boob lift and slight reduction.
– Lipo on the waist, abs and inner thighs.

And if they can do laser eye surgery for my near-sightedness, that’s cool too.

Why? Because I don’t like being the unattractive one all the time. It gets old.

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

I had a scar reduction done about a year after a surgery. I wouldn’t get something “fixed” that wasn’t broken.

Aster's avatar

Yes ! I have a GF who has had it all w/the exception of the nose job which she really needed. So I’ve learned a few things watching her operations. One is generally, you can’t make a pretty face out of one that isn’t pretty . But you can make it look younger. Her tummy tuck made her look younger but it isn’t totally flat (yet). She lost 100 lb so her neck was severely loose. Now it isn’t and that , to me, was her biggest improvement. Her boob job ? It made her look heavier but not younger at all. Finally, her eye job took a few years off, too. Then she got all new clothes! I’d love that part !
A second GF had a facelift and wow; she looked the same age years later than she did before.
One thing I’d never let them touch is my lips. I’ve never seen lip augmentation that didn’t look gross. I just use lipliner. And hands off the nose too, please. lol

jca's avatar

A friend of mine lost about 100 lbs (without weight loss surgery), had her tummy tucked and neck done. While the surgeon did the neck she put in a chin implant, because she said my friend had a weak chin. I didn’t think her chin was weak, and I didn’t particularly like the chin with the implant, but the neck looked a lot better and the tummy tuck enabled her to wear clothes that were fit better. I think they put in a nylon thing under the muscle to keep the tummy tight, and they also did a little lipo. She had a scar from hip to hip. Before the tuck, she had hanging loose stomach skin that touched her leg, it hung so much. I saw the amount of pain from the recovery but i guess when all was said and done it was worth it.

I think plastic surgery for people that get weight loss surgery is probably pretty popular, due to the hanging skin.

Aster's avatar

The tt’s are supposed to be really painful !! And a stomach toughing her LEG? Egad !
I’ve often wondered if the wives of plastic surgeons suffer pain afterward or if their husbands provide them with morphine?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

If I had the money to pay for a breast lift I would. I sag terribly after my breasts growing so much during pregnany, and birthing and nursing two babies. I’d love to have “the girls” fixed; they make me feel awfully self-conscious.

I really need to have my jaw broken and realigned, but not for vanity reasons, so I don’t know if that’s considered “cosmetic surgery”.

deliasdancemom's avatar

Id love a boob lift and a little waist nip for that hourglass look

klutzaroo's avatar

I don’t think that I’d go in for it now, but after having kids, I might think about renovations.

pro_pitbullluv's avatar

They turned out beautiful but now that Im older I care about different things

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