General Question

Nullo's avatar

Ubuntu Linux question! Details to follow.

Asked by Nullo (22012points) December 10th, 2010

How do I get the Visual Effect-o-Meter to stay where I put it?

Every time I restart the thing, the Visual Effects controls reset to None. It seems to work well enough on the Normal setting.
It’s not too hard to go in and reconfigure the settings, but it’s not working like it ought, and a body gets peeved at these things if they persist too long.

I’m running the latest distro on an old (I’m guessing early Aughts) Dell desktop. I’m pretty sure that the graphics are being processed by an integrated video card – this is one of those machines that get purchased by the hundreds by universities and large businesses. I haven’t had her open yet, but the last one of these was the same way.

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3 Answers

the100thmonkey's avatar

The model number of the computer would help – it’s difficult tio see if the bug has been reproduced without that information, especially the model of the graphics chip.

Nullo's avatar

“Precision 360,” it would seem.

koanhead's avatar

Integrated graphics is a fairly unlikely to cause problems with Ubuntu on its own. Possibly the machine uses some bizarre and exotic chipset, but that also seems unlikely since it’s a Dell.
Rather than focusing on the make/model of the laptop, could you perhaps post the output of the lspci command here? That will tell us the actual hardware inside the machine without you having to open it up. There is another command called “lshw” which would also work but provides more verbose output than is likely necessary in this case.
I’m guessing that the video driver you’re using is either buggy or inappropriate for the chipset in use. The former is the more likely of the two, although the latter sometimes happens as manufacturers make the occasional undocumented change in a hardware revision and release it under the same PCI ID. Grr.
If you’ll post the output to lspci I’ll have a look at it and try to advise further. At the same time I recommend getting an account on and filing a bug there, including the output of lspci. You can streamline this process by using the ubuntu-bug command, which will collect lots of information for you and attach it to your bug report.

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