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gambitking's avatar

What's a good 'travel gift' for Christmas this year?

Asked by gambitking (4206points) December 13th, 2010

My wife and I will be taking about a four hour drive Christmas morning and staying the night out of town. We’re giving each other a small “travel” type of gift for the occasion that morning, but I’m stumped on what to get her. Magazines and short books seem so typical. So I’m tapping the collective (and you guys don’t untap until this is answered).

Put on your santa caps (or elf hats, if you’re into that sort of thing) and help me pick an awesome travel type gift (or gifts). My range is about 30 bucks. Thanks!

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10 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

How about a few CD’s of her favorite music?

bobbinhood's avatar

You could get an audio copy of one of her favorite books. The dramatized ones are amazing.

You could get her a big, fluffy blanket. I always like to wrap up in a blanket when someone else is driving. It makes the trip so much more cozy.

gambitking's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille – Not a bad idea, but I use Pandora on my iphone, connected to the Aux jack in the car so she listens to whatever she wants anyway :P

bobbinhood's avatar

You could put together a collection of really good chocolates and a few of her favorite snacks.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

A neck-wrapping travel pillow? Or a bottle of 5-Hour Energy and the ignition key.

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Doppelganger19's avatar

How about a series of 6 cards, each containing a coupon for something she wants or likes (like a professional massage, a magazine subscription, or tickets to a movie she wants to see). You give her one of these each half hour. In each card you could write something nice to her (“I love you,” for example) and give a small hint for what the NEXT coupon will be. It’s goofy, but it would be a fun way to pass the three hours for you, in addition to whatever else you and she do.

Scooby's avatar

A hip flask full of her favourite tipple! :-/

YARNLADY's avatar

Here’s what I would like to have, and new carry bag for my laptop.

annewilliams5's avatar

I have to agree with CyanoticWasp-The neck pillow is a neck saver!

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