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Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

If you could spend what you wanted on Christmas who would get the most expensive gift and what would it be?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) December 13th, 2010

It is said it is not the gift but the spirit behind it. Usually it always comes down to the gift, either by who received it or others who hear about it, especially if the person getting the gift is really close or special to the giver but the gift was very inexpensive. Imagine money is no object you have more money than Bubba Gump Shrimp, for Christmas who would get the most expensive gift and how much cash would you be willing to spend on him/her?

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24 Answers

Winters's avatar

Myself and forever how damn much it would cost me to buy a completely souped up Shelby GT 500, or a nuke (or a dozen), or a Saleen S7, or an island, etc.

Jude's avatar

It doesn’t even feel like Christmas.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@deliasdancemom Dag nabbits, that link is broken….... :-(

oopsifluthered's avatar

@deliasdancemom That’s sweet. :)

I’d get my daughter an American Girl Doll. She’s hoping Santa will get it for her. I had to tell her Santa’s on a budget this year.

@Hypocrisy_Central It’s a princess bed. Use your imagination. ;)

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@deliasdancemom 47 Gs? Really? Does it come with a buttler? and a private jet? Wow……..

@oopsifluthered That was way more imagination I would have ever thought. I was thinking 4 post bed with a nice lace canopy around $800 bucks…....WOW! At that price I would not ever want her to grow out of it.

oopsifluthered's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central If you hit the lottery, keep that bed in mind for me. I’ll take it!

deni's avatar

Both my boyfriend and my father have always wanted a real, classic, working juke box. I would love to be able to give them both one some day.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I’d get my husband the Land Rover he’s been wanting for a long time.

I’d get my son all the lego Star Wars. He enjoys the ones he has, but some of the others are so damn expensive.

amberrae's avatar

I would get my son the John Deere Tractor he wants to drive around so badly!!

world_hello's avatar

I would buy my mom her own house. It has been her dream for a long time to have a place that is hers. She would be happy in the mid-west if it was hers.

Cruiser's avatar

I’d buy a hospital and give everyone free medical care and it would have a drive-up Dairy Queen window in the emergency lane.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I’d buy my boyfriend the car of his dreams and my dad a house!

YoBob's avatar

I’d give my wife that kitchen re-model that she desperately wants but is too frugal/practical/pragmatic to really push for.

Aster's avatar

I think I’d get my husband a golf cart garage attached to the car garage if it’s doable. But remodels are extremely loud and go on forever! Or I’d have the patio screened in . That would be a major job since the roofline doesn’t lend itself to a porch.

Doppelganger19's avatar

I have a friend I’d love to buy a house for.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Wow… if money were no object, I’d buy my family and friends lots of things they need. It’s hard to narrow it down to whose gift would be the most expensive.

deliasdancemom's avatar

@oopsifluthered maybe santa would be able to get one of the mini dolls of her fave american girl, I see them at borders a lot! They are cute!

oopsifluthered's avatar

@deliasdancemom Thank you. I’ll have to take a look. :)

Supacase's avatar

I would pay a company to come finish the house my parents have been building for the last 10 years. You wouldn’t believe how much still needs to be done if I told you. They are living in it as-is, with no inspection or occupancy license, because they sold their old house. They lived in a camper for two years.

My dad is 70 and has so many other things to do, but it is hard for any of us to help him because he doesn’t have anything close to a schedule. We show up and he has no plan for the day so we end up standing around waiting for direction. They are both depressed about it, but neither one is the type to talk about it.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

My mom would get the most expensive gift, a home of her choice in the place of her choice.

Sweetpea's avatar

For my family, a paid off home mortgage.

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