General Question

bolwerk's avatar

Do cats vomit more when in heat?

Asked by bolwerk (10347points) December 14th, 2010

My cat is in the throes of lordosis. She seems pretty energetic and healthy overall, albeit extremely annoying and sexually aggressive, but has vomited four times today. Should I be concerned? Is there some hormonal imbalance causing the vomiting? She has hairballs sometimes, but this is a wet, rather empty vomit.

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6 Answers

Coloma's avatar

I have never heard of this as a symptom of the breeding cycle.

It may just be a coinicidence and she is agitated and has a nervous stomache or a minor case of a bug. Cats can contract similar viruses for stomach flu.

I wouldn’t be concerned unless it continues for more than 2 days or so.

marinelife's avatar

Here is a list of causes of why cats vomit. Being in heat is not among them.

Blueroses's avatar

As @Coloma said, nerves and agitation can upset her system. Is she eating and drinking?
If she is able to keep down food and water, you can probably wait to see if the vomiting subsides.
Is there a reason you aren’t having her spayed? Cats aren’t like dogs, they don’t have “seasonal” cycles. She will go into heat repeatedly until bred or spayed.

bolwerk's avatar

If anything, she seemed and still seems downright chipper. She vomited two more times the next night, and then it stopped. So I really dunno. She’s the only cat in my rooms, and doesn’t go outside. My roommate has a cat too, but they’re completely separated.

@Blueroses: I intend to get her spayed, but I don’t have quite the time to dedicate to giving her painkillers on a specific schedule right now. It may need to wait until February.

Blueroses's avatar

@bolwerk You shouldn’t need to give painkillers at home. Most vets will give a long-lasting painkiller injection before releasing her. I’m glad she’s feeling well.

bolwerk's avatar

The vomiting was just kind of inexplicable.

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