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IsthmusCrypticus's avatar

How can I rediscover the things that made christmas enjoyable?

Asked by IsthmusCrypticus (162points) December 24th, 2010

I know im asking this question on Christmas Eve but its been something that i have often had trouble with for quite a few years now.
When christmas comes, i no longer feel like theres something exciting or special happening. It comes and it goes and i end up feeling depressed that its gone before i could find . . . well anything about it to make it feel like something special has happened. When i was a kid, it never lasted long enough; it was such an exciting time of the year. And now, I cant even live up to the statement “Tis the season to be jolly”.
I suppose my question is this: what aspects of christmas bring you joy? How do you make christmas special or something that you really do look forward to?

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8 Answers

DrasticDreamer's avatar

My best friend killed himself a week before Christmas a year ago. It turned from something I love to something I hate in the blink of an eye. I don’t know how to get the old feeling back and I don’t really care anymore.

world_hello's avatar

I work at a homeless shelter to avoid the bullshit on Christmas. I hate this holiday. I like helping but I want to get away from drama at home.

Dog's avatar

Perhaps you could take flowers down to a nursing home and hand them out to those who have been forgotten by time and neglected by offspring.

I have randomly done this and the look on the faces from placid to joy is wonderful.

world_hello's avatar

@dog – My uncle Rob is ‘Zippy’ the clown. He is retired from the Air force. Yes, his wig is different colored zippers. He goes and hangs out in retirement places. They love it. The dude is funny as hell. It makes people happy.

Odysseus's avatar

Have children, or be around them at christmas

gorillapaws's avatar

Children are what make the holiday so special. Try to volunteer with helping make children’s Christmas dreams come true. I know Toys for Tots is an excellent charity. Also, children that are in the hospital during Christmas are having an especially hard time, particularly in the pediatric oncology ward. Perhaps you can find ways to help make their Christmas magical (especially if it’s their last one).

LuckyGuy's avatar

Think back to when you last found the holiday magical. It was when you were a kid and had no responsibilities. The world revolved around you. You didn’t pay for any of the gifts. You didn’t have to be anywhere else. Wherever you were, you were there.
Unfortunately we all get older and slightly wiser. We recognize that the world is no longer just about us. We had our turn. Now it’s time to let the little kids have theirs.
Do what you need to do to make someone else happy. That happiness will rub off on you.

marinelife's avatar

I agree with others who say to be around children at Christmas to recapture the magic. There are many community Christmas parties put on by charities. Consider helping with one of those.

The as to you, look for quiet contentment rather than magic. My husband and I spend the day snuggling, watching movies, eating special food that we prepare, taking walks (at least we did the latter before my knee went south), and enjoying the time off from work.

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