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WestRiverrat's avatar

What do you do when snowed in?

Asked by WestRiverrat (20122points) December 30th, 2010

When you are snowed in or otherwise housebound for 2–3 days what do you do to keep from going stir crazy?

We are expecting 9–14 inches of snow and 30–40 mph winds tonight and tomorrow, so no travel is advised.

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13 Answers

coffeenut's avatar

lol…that’s alot of snow…

Books, movies…catching up on sleep…work…build lots of snowmen

Joker94's avatar

With or without power? We got hit hard last year, and the power was out for a time. If it’s light enough, reading a book is great. Other than that, watchign movies is fun (if you have power), and boardgames are great for the occassion. I recommend Risk and Bananagrams!

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Nachos & movies or books while the storm is going on (unless I feel like going out in it – I’m never so interested in going out for a walk as in those kinds of conditions).

And then digging out as soon as it stops. If I can get the driveway cleared before the town plows close me off again, then I feel as if I’ve won a particularly insignificant contest.

janbb's avatar

Bake cookies, eat cookies, go back to bed

marinelife's avatar

Read, watch movies, snuggle with my hubbie, drink hot chocolate.

charliecompany34's avatar

this happened to us about 10 or so years ago. a couple was over for new year’s day activities when we got clobbered by about two feet of snow. it fell so fast and furious there was no escape and they spent the night. we had liquor and food left over from new year’s eve and that was really nice. always have dry wood for fireplace, milk, eggs and other staples. got potatoes onions and peppers? i mean, you really have to be resourceful…

mrlaconic's avatar

Bring out the cards and play some rummy

If you still have power and internet bring up Hulu and get caught up on all the shows that will be returning in January.

LuckyGuy's avatar

That is heaven! I end up working on the snowblower; taking care of my neighbors; getting the generator ready just in case; organizing my work bench; surfing the interweb and, of course, fluthering.
(There might be some extra sack time in there but I ain’t sayin’.)

daytonamisticrip's avatar

Try 12–20 inches of snow and near hurricane force winds. I’m surprised the power didn’t get knocked out.
Stock up on books, food, and bottled water. Maybe buy some board games and puzzles. Oh yeah and don’t forget candles and flashlights in case the power goes out.

Jeruba's avatar

Oh, I used to love this situation. It never happens where I live now, I’m sorry to say.

Mugs of hot tea, a blanket over my lap, a pile of pillows behind my back, and a stack of books: if they don’t have that in heaven, I ain’t a-goin’ there.

faye's avatar

I agree with @Jeruba, not the hot tea part so much anymore. If you have power, movie days are great, too, with a nap thrown in.

WestRiverrat's avatar

Well, I made bean soup out of some beef ribs, and there is an apple pie ready to go into the oven. The dogs curled up in front of the couch sleeping.

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