Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

What do you do when you don't receive an invitation to a friend's party?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) December 31st, 2010

Everyone’s going to the party, except you aren’t invited. Did you miss the invitation? Did it accidentally not get sent? Is it deliberate? What do you do if you don’t want to be alone?

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9 Answers

ZEPHYRA's avatar

I have got to the point where that wouldn’t worry me. If they want me there, fine, if not, that is fine too!

gailcalled's avatar

I jump up and down with joy, now that I dislike parties.

If you want company, invite people to your house

BarnacleBill's avatar

That happened recently with a wedding. I sent a gift anyways, which made the bride’s mother very uncomfortable when she next ran into me.

I’m pretty much past the point where my feelings get hurt if I’m not a prom queen.

JLeslie's avatar

If it is a formal affair, like a wedding, I never get insuted. Unless it was my sister or a very very very dlose relation. If I think I was supposed to have been invited, because maybe the party had been mentioned to me, but I never got the invitation, I might do something to clarify if I was expected to go to the event. For my wedding I overlooked inviting someone, a coworker, there was group if us who were close, and no one mentioned it until AFTER the wedding, and they all could not figure out why I did not like him enough to leave him out. I was so pissed no one had something to me, because I would have loved for him to come, and certainly did not want him to feel left out. Also, with formal events sometimes people have to put a limit on how many they invite, I completely understand that.

Actually, pretty much not being invited does not bother me much no matter how formal or informal the party I guess.

iamthemob's avatar

If formal, what @JLeslie (and I’m actually generally thankful that I don’t need to go someplace and stay somewhere and buy something because two people want to do something that I’m still not really able to do).

If informal – I just assume it was an oversight. If I actually want to go, or it would be weird for many involved if I just was distinctly absent….I’d just ask if there was a space concern/etc…and offer to bring extra vodka.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I don’t go. The end.

Paradox's avatar

This happened to me a few times. I’ll admit it most likely was deliberate in my case but at the same time I’ve blown off many invitations by not attending the events/parties anyway (I’m not really a people person). Perhaps they took it personal and decided to not invite me anymore.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Keep my sulky feeling to myself and try to find distraction. This happened to me in the past and I never did ask or look into why I wasn’t invited since my friend and I still got together for other things. It could’ve been I was single and everyone else was couples, it could’ve been a neighborhood gathering of friends (I live far away), it could’ve been a party between parents and their kids (I was single/no kids).

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