General Question

mindful's avatar

Would you take advantage of an innocent humble person? Would people or society?

Asked by mindful (345points) January 13th, 2011

A nice guy

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26 Answers

Arbornaut's avatar

Most definitely.

takaboom's avatar

No I wouldn’t. That’s wrong and really no excuse for it in my book. Sadly, most people will.

I remember when I was younger and I just didn’t get out much, but I unintentionally trusted people and assumed they had the best intentions—WRONG. People saw that I was naïve and if that meant taking advantage of me was easier, they that’s what they did. For that past among other things, I have a different outlook on things and I will never do that to anyone else. I think its wrong and I take it very seriously.

It really disgusts me, not caring and thinking about yourself when you can oblivious see they aren’t thinking the worst. I’m selfish to an extent too, but just taking advantage of someone like that is horrid. People need to think about, would I want that happening to someone I care about, but I guess that doesn’t matter to the average person.

Summum's avatar

The sad thing is there is always someone that takes advantage of all situations. Even the 911 event where people were collecting money for the victims but were really keeping the money for themselves.

Seelix's avatar

Would I? No.

Would society? Yes.

marinelife's avatar

I would not, but there are people who would.

Coloma's avatar


My own integrity is too important to me.

I LIKE the woman in the mirror and I LIKE sleeping like a baby.

Harming others always harms ourselves equally, if not more so.

Everyone knows that low self esteem is the biggest component of an abusive personality.

Hate yourself, hate others.

Hurting people hurt other people.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I would not intentionally take advantage of anyone. I’m sure there are many people that do though.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Happens all the time. I usually don’t but in my life, I have.

CaptainHarley's avatar

Just because one is innocent and humble does NOT mean they are also stupid!

Arbornaut's avatar

@Jude Of course not, but there are plenty who would and do.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

No and I’m glad that thus far I haven’t felt pushed to. As @CaptainHarley says, not all people like this are guillible or stupid but they are often generous and empathetic to a fault.

antimatter's avatar

Nope, but the rest will…

Fyrius's avatar

Meta-side note:
Threads like this make me suspicious. Not suspicious of the thread starter, but of its predictable replies.
This is everyone’s cue to say “of course I wouldn’t, but other people totally would.”
Naturally we’re all good and decent people here, and it’s fashionable to be cynical about people at large, with the convenient exception of those who are also in the room. So posting this makes the poster look doubly cool – for being decent and for being all wise and mature – with an additional third level of coolness in being a better person than so many other people. And up go the GA’s.
Meanwhile, the answer you have to formulate to earn all these positive reinforcements is a complete no-brainer that you can fill in just by completing the pattern.
If a post incorporates three different ways to simultaneously make you look impressive and make you feel good about yourself, without requiring you to even think about it, that makes me suspicious. That’s seven different incentives that all pull your judgement towards the same conclusion, and none of them have anything to do with the truth.

None of this means it isn’t the correct answer, nor that it is. It does mean you would do well to keep your grains of salt at the ready.

That is all. Carry on.

Thammuz's avatar

There’s no such thing as an innocent and humble person in my experience, so i don’t know.

Maybe i would, if he also is a dumbass or angers me or something else. I’m not a big fan of taking advantage of people without reason, but i do, remorselessly, of people who wrong me or someone i care about. Which would probably kick the whole “innocent” thing in the teeth but there you have it.

In short, no unless i have a personal grudge against him/her, which i imagine would be kinda hard considering the suggested traits.

DominicX's avatar

@Fyrius And this is why I love you. :)

Supacase's avatar

I don’t think I would because I have been the one taken advantage of too often. If I work on something with another person, I frequently go without credit because they are busy patting their own back and tooting their own horn. They let others assume it was all them and I will not usually speak up because I don’t want to sound like I’m bragging.

Coloma's avatar


You make a good point, however, I believe most people would not. I am not a cynic, nor am I a Pollyanna, but I can say that I am just not built that way.

I went through a horrible divorce some years ago and all my friends were telling me to start stashing money, etc. etc.

I couldn’t do it.

I’m the kind of person that would HAVE to confess to my wrongdoings within about 24 hours or I’d spontaneously combust.

I may have been taken advantage of, but, in the end, I was the WINNER!

I played by the rules right up til the end inspite of my infidel ex who did hide assets and clean out bank accounts.

It sucked, but I walked away with my character intact.

Neophyte's avatar

I would like to think that I would not take advantage of an innocent/humble person, but I feel that it is entirely possible that I might do so. As to society, there is no doubt in my mind that some people would. The important part is to feel like you are following your own morals and no one else’s.

Fyrius's avatar

“The important part is to feel like you are following your own morals and no one else’s.”
What, they’re supposed to be different?

But yeah, I know what you mean, I’m just bugging you about your choice of words. You mean you should follow your better judgement and not give in to peer pressure, right?

Neophyte's avatar

@Fyrius Exactly right, and sorry about the word choice. I tend to think much faster that I can type.

Fyrius's avatar

No worries, mate.

kalrbing's avatar

A nice, humble person usually gets taken advantage. I have experienced this for several years. I have been that nice and naive person, in the past. People have commended me for being to humble in the past, but it is just my nature.
Many have told me that I need to assert myself more, but it is a task to switch and adapt so quickly. There is no place for a completely kindhearted and friendly person in this world. You have to have some level of assertion in you. People like myself have to learn through life experiences.

Fyrius's avatar

It’s not impossible to be kind-hearted and friendly, but still assertive when that’s called for.
What you can’t afford to be is a naive pushover.

TheArtist's avatar

Yes they do…sometimes the ones closest to you are much worse then the society can ever be,eg: your parents.

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