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john65pennington's avatar

Why do so many canned soups and boxed dinners contain so much garlic?

Asked by john65pennington (29263points) January 15th, 2011

Why? Why do the manufacturers put so much garlic in these items? You cannot taste the soup for the garlic. I have quit buying canned soup because of this. My wifes makes a ton of homemade soup and it’s better, anyway. Not all people like garlic in their food. I wonder if the soup makers know this or even care? I am now boycotting canned soup, altogether. Question: is there a canned soup on the shelves that does not contain an overload of garlic?

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9 Answers

woodcutter's avatar

I can’t say I have noticed it that bad, then again I really like garlic. it’s good for ya.

jaytkay's avatar

My wifes makes a ton of homemade soup and it’s better, anyway.

So who wants canned? When is lunch? What time should we be there?

lillycoyote's avatar

Like @woodcutter I can’t say I’ve noticed the overwhelming use of garlic in canned soups and other processed foods, but I also like garlic. And how on earth is there any room left over for garlic with all the sodium they put in that stuff?

incendiary_dan's avatar

As someone who eats his weight in garlic each month, I don’t understand the question.

Arbornaut's avatar

Im with @incendiary_dan on this one. Anyway, eating home made soup is about 20 times better for you than canned rubbish. So is not all bad.

Kardamom's avatar

The main thing that is in canned soup is sodium. Usually, there is at least half the total recommended amount (per serving) per day of sodium. I’ve never noticed that garlic is one of the main ingredients in canned soup, and it never tastes like garlic to me. Garlic is something that is actually good for you and tastes really good. Why bother with canned soup if your wife can make better homemade soup. I still don’t understnd the prob with garlic. When I make my own soup, I add lots of garlic (but no sodium).

rangerr's avatar

Have we really run out of things to bitch about that we need to move on to canned soup?

Berserker's avatar

I haven’t really noticed that, and you’re talking to someone who pretty much just lives off that shit.
I just assume that whatever mass produced food I get isn’t actually what it says it is, so even if it has too much garlic, it probbaly isn’t real anyways. You’re better off with real garlic.
Something about preservation, I think.
You gotta admit though man, boycotting canned soups…that’s fucking funny lol. I mean it sounds funny lol.

john65pennington's avatar

Symbeline, i was just thinking about making some protest signs and walking up and down the canned soup aisle asking people to boycott all canned soup.

Now that i think about it, it is kind of funny.

Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

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