Meta Question

andrew's avatar

What is going on with Fluther?

Asked by andrew (16553points) January 20th, 2011

Sorry for the delay in getting out some details.

As you can see, Fluther keeps plugging along. Not much, really, has changed. We’ve had nearly no issues with downtime over the last few weeks. We still have some outstanding bugs that we’re slated to fix—right now, we’re looking into hiring a technical maintainer to continue upkeep and make gradual improvements to the site.

We all still check in on the site. A big thank you to Lisa for keeping everything up and running and smooth!

Let me know if you have any questions!

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32 Answers

JilltheTooth's avatar

Damn, you boys are missing some high times! But we’re still here…. Your faith in Lisa is spot on. She’s keeping us going…

janbb's avatar

We’re all very happy to still have the collective and hope it continues to thrive. We lurves our Lisa! Hope you “boys” are enjoying your new venue and glad you are still dipping into the pond on occasion.

wundayatta's avatar

What are you doing for Twitter?

Was twitter interested in acquiring fluther, or did you have to make a big deal out of it to keep it separate from your other deal, or to be allowed by your contract to even spend any time on it?

What is so special about Fluther’s question-suggesting algorithm?

janbb's avatar

One question I have is whether the revenue stream that funds Fluther will dry up. I guess that may be a question you can’t answer yet.

sakura's avatar

still addicted to the site I ws was when I first joined! What a good idea you guys had when you came up with it :) Good Luck with your new venture

marinelife's avatar

Thanks for the update, andrew. How are things going at Twitter? Do you enjoy the work?

JilltheTooth's avatar

Bet they’re not as fun as us, but I guess they probably pay better. ;-)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I think it’s doing okay. As usual, some members are quitting, some are joining and many complaining (myself included). I’m remaining optimistic, even though I wasn’t when you left.

Dog's avatar

Lisa is having a guacamole party at her place this weekend. Not saying that we don’t miss you guys because we do, but it has been all party after party here. :)

So are you making your mark over in tweetsville? Most importantly are you guys having fun?

@JilltheTooth No way are they having as much fun as us but since they pay the bills I won’t rub their noses in it. ;)

augustlan's avatar

Thanks, Andrew. :)

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Dog : Uh…good point…

AmWiser's avatar

So far not much has changed, but there are subtle changes that are very the exodus of some very fine Jellies. What? Do they know something the rest of us don’t know?

And I don’t want to sound petty, but when are you all going to fix the awards thingamajig. I’m waiting to see an award (I’m sure I’ve earned) show up. Okay, I’m through whining and I am hanging in there.:D

LuckyGuy's avatar

Umm… Is there a Twitter mansion? And is it heated?

XOIIO's avatar

I’m just going to put this out here, I as if Fluther is starting to die a bit… We are loosing some well-known members and getting more members that “Don’t quite meet quality standards”. We seem to be getting people from YaHoo answers every now and then, and it seems a more and more answers are easy to google and find a result, which is also supporting my YaHoo answers theory. I think that if this continues it might be a while until fluther dies, but unfortunatly I think it might happen. I just don’t want to see fluther end up like those sites with a 50 members and no maintenance. I doubt that we would be abandoned by Lisa, but something just doesn’t feel right about the site lately.

augustlan's avatar

I will not abandon you. :)

XOIIO's avatar

I didn’t think you would. Lot’s of sites have had the founders leave them and left the site to wither and die, but you don;t seem like the kind. It’s just something about the Fluther vibe that doesn’t seem quite right.

augustlan's avatar

I think we’re just in a period of flux at the moment. I’ve noticed some really great questions and discussions lately, though, so perhaps we’re on an upswing.

marinelife's avatar

@AmWiser and @XOIIO Who are all these long-time members who have left?

janbb's avatar

Yeah – I’m still here!

andrew's avatar

@wundayatta I can’t really speak to the specifics of the deal. Part of the reason that we’re hiring some technical staff is so we are free to focus on things at Twitter.

That said, we’re pushing out some changes to make it more difficult to spam the site—and we have some longer-term ideas about how to improve quality—namely allowing people to comment on answers (so we can rejigger the awkward sections of ‘general’ and ‘social’ and let people talk to each other without distracting the whole thread).

This is all a ways off, though—and still in the thoughts phase, and things that we wouldn’t work on unless it’s in our free time (another reason we’re looking into getting help). These were on the roadmap before we were acquired, but it may take a while to complete.

If you have any other ideas about how to improve quality on the site, please, let me know.

janbb's avatar

@andrew It’s lovely to see that you’re still around and concerned, even if we’re not your dayjob.

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thorninmud's avatar

@augustlan (and all the other mods) just administer the guidelines that have been agreed upon by the whole team. She’s just doing her job. Don’t get personal.

Fluther’s moderation style doesn’t suit everyone, but it’s one of the things that makes Fluther what it is.

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thorninmud's avatar

@CheeseCutter since you “just joined” and haven’t asked or answered any questions, maybe it’s your enlightenment that gives you such insight into the soul of @augustlan.

cockswain's avatar

“I’ll take ‘Cheesedicks that won’t be around much longer’ for $200, Alex”

JilltheTooth's avatar

I’m guessing @CheeseCutter is just another alter who didn’t get his/her way.

iamthemob's avatar

It’s hilarious that this CheeseCutter person was spamming the thread almost immediately after @andrew saying they were working on making it more difficult to spam.

Let’s let them have their fun for now…;-)

Dog's avatar

I wish I had “technical maintainer” skills. * sigh *

KatawaGrey's avatar

Not with that iPad you don’t.~

Dog's avatar

Freaking iPad. It would reverse Lurve and autoban randomly. On a happy note I am in the process of getting a custom computer that might have as much as 64g ram and SSD. I should be able to fly through image work and have time to spare. :D

seazen's avatar

I love it when the gods come swimming. Just saying.

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