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jca's avatar

What are three good things that happened to you today?

Asked by jca (36062points) January 20th, 2011

Can you list three good things that happened to you today?

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16 Answers

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silky1's avatar

1. woke up
2.enjoyed my animals they are funny
3Got my husband to go to the doctors. Which in itself is a miracle.

wundayatta's avatar

I got two pms, a bunch of lurve and wrote three metaphors that I liked a lot. Not necessarily in that order.

faye's avatar

Someone gave me slips for a hoya plant, my daughter’s friend paid me back for our trip, I am in my superbed after completely cleaning out a room for my daughter to move back home to, which makes me proud of my lazy self!

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Rarebear's avatar

My telescope autoguider worked.
That’s enough, actually. The thing cost me over 200 bucks.

JLeslie's avatar

Watched my backyard turn into a winter wonderland


Met with friends for dinner

tinyfaery's avatar

Bought a dress and shoes.
Found out a friend is sending me yummy candy.
My bunny licked my nose.

Vunessuh's avatar

1) I got a job!
2) I start in 2 weeks!
3) I got a job and I start in two weeks! :D :D

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

My hands are less numb.
My feet are less numb.
I skipped down the hallway. :)

wundayatta's avatar

@Vunessuh Congratulations! What kind of job is it?

OpryLeigh's avatar

I have had a really good laugh with some work colleauges, everyone seems to be in a cheerful mood today and a good belly laugh is always great therapy
A useless but enjoyable conversation with my boyfriend on my lunchbreak.
I bought a couple of lottery tickets for tomorrow’s draw and tere is no reason why I shouldn’t be a winner this week.

YoBob's avatar

Well, the day is young, but thus far:

1) I woke up alive and healthy.
2) Gave the usual hugs and kisses to my family before going our separate ways for the day.
3) Enjoyed a fantastic breakfast taco while catching up on email and the news.

Vunessuh's avatar

@wundayatta Spa sales and promotions which will financially allow me to continue work on the rewrites of my screenplay. I’m more excited about that than anything else. :) :)

YoBob's avatar

Well… the day has proceeded a bit. Since the breakfast taco:

1) I made progress on a work project
2) Ate lunch with my team at a wonderful Ethiopian restaurant, and since one of my team members is from Ethiopia that treated us somewhat like family. (way cool!)
3) Fixin to go to the gym for an hour of cardio.

Bellatrix's avatar

- I woke up and snuggled with my husband we didn’t have to get up for any reason.
– We made a big pot of marinara sauce together while listening to music.
– My cat came and had big cuddles with me.

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