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MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Reverse dictionary: I need a word that means (see details)

Asked by MyNewtBoobs (19064points) January 27th, 2011

I’m looking for a word that means “Done in a pompously or overly solemn manner; with exaggerated self-importance” (perhaps a word you’ve used to describe Kirk Cameron or other celebrities?). I’ve been told that portentous fits that description, but it’s not really in any dictionary, so I think they must be wrong.

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35 Answers

jaytkay's avatar


J0E's avatar


choreplay's avatar

I googled you description and got: haughty

1. Disdainfully proud; snobbish; scornfully arrogant; supercilious: haughty aristocrats; a haughty salesclerk.
2. Archaic . lofty or noble; exalted.

Brian1946's avatar

I found some definitions for portentous at

Of those definitions, the one that comes the closest says, “self-consciously solemn or important : pompous <portentous declamation unsalted by the least trace of humor — W. H. Pritchard>”

thorninmud's avatar

Portentous means serving as a sign of some future occurrence.

YoBob's avatar

A Thesaurus is a good resource for finding synonyms such as the one you are looking for.

Tropical_Willie's avatar


MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@J0E That’s what I thought, but so far every dictionary definition says portentous means “of the nature of a portent; momentous; ominously significant or indicative: a portentous defeat; marvelous; amazing; prodigious.”

J0E's avatar

@papayalily I meant pretentious, I edited it.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Oooo, that’s good. @Brian1946 Wow, that’s awesome. I’m impressed by your Googlefu.

gasman's avatar

imperious ?

CaptainHarley's avatar

“Pretentious” fits quite well, I think. : )

Cruiser's avatar

Smarmy. ;)

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Cruiser No, because they’re deadly serious about themselves – it’s not just a show.

janbb's avatar

pompous, pretentious, self-aggrandizing – all these would work

seazen's avatar

Nuf said on this topic – I think the Bubs summed it up nicely: pompous, pretentious or self-aggrandizing would work – but you get the extra alliteration kick if you say, simply:
you pretentious pompous… (ass, jerk or pamplemousse would be even better – three p’s.)

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@seazen Pamplemousse? Why am I calling them a grapefruit? I mean, sure I dislike both, but that doesn’t really make them synonyms.

Cruiser's avatar

@papayalily Thanks for the clarification there! How about “asshat” or “dickwad” then??
You did use Kirk Cameron as your example and I think “Who really gives a rats ass” should suffice! ;))

CaptainHarley's avatar

“Self-important” works too, but it’s hyphenated.

Luiveton's avatar

Thesaurus ? ...

WasCy's avatar


WasCy's avatar

Overly dignified
Stuffed shirt

ucme's avatar

It’s at times like this a new word should be invented. How about insufferableoaf, works in this instance I believe.

Ladymia69's avatar

How about “arrogant”?

choreplay's avatar

Delusional disorder known as:

Grandiose Type: delusion of inflated worth, power, knowledge, identity or believes
himself/herself to be a famous person

Definition of Grandiose;
1. affectedly grand or important; pompous: grandiose words.
2. more complicated or elaborate than necessary; overblown: a grandiose scheme.
3. grand in an imposing or impressive way.
4. Psychiatry . having an exaggerated belief in one’s importance, sometimes reaching delusional proportions, and occurring as a common symptom of mental illnesses, as manic disorder.

Kardamom's avatar

Douche Nozzle?

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@Season_of_Fall One word. That is not one word.

ETpro's avatar

@papayalily you have gotten some good suggestions. For even more, there is such a thing as an online reverse dictionary. I’ve used the OneLook Reverse Dictionary with good results. It works best with just the important keywords, and not a complex definition entered into its search. I boiled your definition down to “pompous staid self-importance” and searching it i get this list of 40 candidates. Click the link on any of the suggested words to get a list of dictionary definition links for it.

Lo and behold, portentous is the #1 result, although I agree it may not be the best choice to carry the connotation you are seeking.

seazen's avatar

@papayalily Because, as I said, pretentious pompous… pamplemousse gives the added three “p’s” plus adds an extra pretentiousness by using French. N’est ce pas?

choreplay's avatar

@papayalily, the one word was Grandiose.

ETpro's avatar

@seazen Not to shabby for an ESL type.

seazen's avatar

@ETpro Sanks a lot.

janbb's avatar

@seazen I have always suspected that English was your first language. Nachon?

Kardamom's avatar

@papayalily Since you have yet to find the perfect word, I think you should make one up kind of like what @ucme did by running a few choice words together. Only you should just make up a brand new word that sounds like the description, and then give the description too.

Something like pomportentiouscilious, but make it your own. : )

Webster's avatar

Portentious does exist

Google it..

1. Of or like a portent.
2. Done in a pompously or overly solemn manner

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