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Thammuz's avatar

How many fellow flutherites play Minecraft?

Asked by Thammuz (9282points) January 30th, 2011

I doubt this game drug needs any introduction at this point but, if anyone needs a clarification, here it is:

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25 Answers

incendiary_dan's avatar

Probably those who answered this question a couple weeks ago.

TexasDude's avatar

I play the fuck out of it, as evident in my previous question! :D (no worries)

XOIIO's avatar

More like minecraxk!

I love it, I have to earn some cash so I can buy it instead of using the torrent.

Thammuz's avatar

I’m curious, consider this an addendum: which of you actually play without the peaceful setting on?

XOIIO's avatar

I plan to, I just finished my underwater base, and with the mod for a light sensor I have a door that locks automatically.

Thammuz's avatar

Heh, like me then. No monsters until i’m fully prepared for them.

Any good advice to find more iron other than digging the shit out of every wall i find?

XOIIO's avatar

Download x-ray 5, it removes everything that isn’t ore, trees or manmade

I just used invedit though, because I probably used 10k stone slabs and glass to build my place.

Thammuz's avatar

Nah i was looking for something that isn’t, you know, cheating…

Like with obsidian, i deviated a cascade into a lava pit and then started picking away. Then i realized it was a colossal waste of fucking time because obsidian is useless except for portals to the nether and even then you only need 10 pieces of it. Anyway i was thinking of a better way to find iron that fell into that style of gameplay.

XOIIO's avatar

Yeah. I was just there to build my vision.

To get obsidian take a bucket of lava to the surface and set it to fall into water. That’s how you make it.

Thammuz's avatar

Nah, too much effort for a single block. I got something like 25 blocks in about 15 minutes by deviating the river and that’s way more than i’ll ever need…

XOIIO's avatar

@Thammuz Cool. I really like the idea of setting up a transport system using the nether since it is 8 times smaller that the above ground world, it would be a neat way to get around faster.

Thammuz's avatar

All it takes is a little luck and a good engineering mind. I personally made a little pond near a lava lake deep in my mine so i can use the bucket method without having to travel all the way back to the surface, but it’s pointless, all things considered, since obsidian is only good for portals and i find the nether incredibly uninteresting in peaceful mode and batshit insane in normal.

I find the whole “nether” idea kinda silly, to be honest. Unless you go all out and allow magic and stuff like that, in which case i can respect that, you really shouldn’t tack on something like that. Expecially because actually being there doesn’t give you anything worth the effort, except maybe netherrack which is good for signals, traps and stuff like that. (a giant flaming middle finger on top of a mountain is quite visible from afar, and a good landmark if you want to explore without losing your way, a compass might do the trick too but it’s not as stylish)

Personally i think notch should finish perfecting carts and rails before he starts fucking around with stuff like this. Also ropes and winches would be cool. And being able to actually link carts together instead of having one push the others. I mean we already have circuitry but my carts still bug out if they have to make a U turn and they’re more than two at a time. I’d say fixing what’s already in the game should be a priority on adding stuff, right?

TexasDude's avatar

I play without peaceful mode on.

The way my castle is set up, it is optimal for me to shoot anything that gets close with arrows. My stash of arrows is something like 350 or so and I have little sniper hides set up all along my main wall where nothing can get me.

I also have a moat by my front gate with flowing water in it. The flow of the water directs any mobs that fall in towards a cactus, where they will die and I can harvest their things they drop.

I also have several rollercoasters and two pirate ships.

Thammuz's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard That’s cool! I personally was trying to get my bearings before engaging in guerrilla warfare, afterall i bought the game saturday so i wanted to get into the swing of things, learn the basics and all that without being exploded by random creepers.

In your experience, do hostile mobs spawn in mines while you’re exploring a new area or while you’re out of them? I read in the wiki the lighting changes wether a mob spawns in a certain place or not, does this mean that the areas where i placed torches are safe?

TexasDude's avatar

@Thammuz, areas where you place torches are safe. Mobs spawn in a certain level of darkness everywhere unless it’s an enclosed space of 3×3 (if I remember correctly) tiles or smaller. This means you are safe in narrow, dark hallways that you are mining, but not in massive caves you stumble into.

If you build a big open castle, you have to make sure it is adequately lit and there are no small patches of a certain darkness level, because mobs will spawn there.

I took some screenshots of some of the stuff I’ve built to help inspire you:

Entrance to my castle

The great hall of my castle

A bird’s eye view of my castle

My pirate ship

View from the pirate ship poop deck

I blew up a mountain

Thammuz's avatar

You mined out the whole mountain? HOLY SHIT.

And by the way that’s a beautiful castle, it must have taken you quite a while to finish it.

You know somthing that is missing from minecraft that, to me, would improve the single player mode to no end? A basic needs system. You know, water, food, sleep, maybe the occasional bath, or maybe heat considering you go in deep mines or in almost frozen areas.

A) It would finally make sense to have food in peaceful mode.
B) It would improve immersion a huge deal.
C) It would give a sense to night, beyond “shut youself in your bomb shelter or go in your mine because monsters are afoot”.
D) It would improve multiplayer, especially on “community” sort of servers where everyone works on the same project, by giving more jobs to split between each individual. As it stands you can have maybe 3 groups: the fighters, the builders and the miners. Fighters defend the base and find food and items on the surface, miners gather materials and builders use them.

Add the needs system and all of a sudden you need to institute shifts, you need cooks, you need to bring running water in the building, you need an efficient way to deliver food to the outposts, and so on.

I’d seriously die of joy if it were ever to be implemented decently.

TexasDude's avatar

@Thammuz, I didn’t mine it out… I blew it up… with TNT! It was fantastic. And I like your idea. Kind of like hardcore mode in Fallout New Vegas. I’d prefer if it was optional though.

Thammuz's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Yeah exactly like that only actually relevant.

I was thinking of it like the whole hostile mobs thing, you can have it if you want it, you can disable it if you want to focus on something else.

These mods are a step in the right direction:

I’ll probably contact Xie, and pitch him my idea for thirst and sleep needs as well. I’ll probably even do some of the work for him by designing some of the objects myself. Like beds with various levels of comfort (they should be used the same way as mining carts in multiplayer, because you can’t skip forward if someone else is playing, but you could probably cutscene to a quarter of a day later in singleplayer) and bottles to gather water from something that is not the spring block. Plus there should be a distinction between sea water and fresh water, i wonder if the game already does that.

It would obviously need a more sophisticated system than “it drains your health after it’s finished draining the hunger bar” if we’re going to have 3 (maybe even 4, if we include hygene or heat or both) different needs in play. I’d say thirst should drain your health bar, hunger should make you weaker (e.g. your objects are less efficient and you move slower) and sleep deprivation should blur your vision and probably disable the sneaking option due to clumsiness.

Any other ideas that would fit in the theme so i can blame part of this on you guys when i pitch it?

TexasDude's avatar

I don’t know… everything you suggested sounds pretty legit. I don’t really have anything to add at the moment, but I’ll fill you in if I do.

Thammuz's avatar

Please do, evern if you’re not sure about it everything can at least be a jumping off point for something else.

Thammuz's avatar

Ok here’s my idea, i’ve given it some thought and i think it might work with respect to balance issues as well.

Hunger: Xie’s hunger mod is good enough already, i’ve tested it and it works very well, especially since it doesn’t have a bar but instead it has a sort of warning light, adding to the whole uncertainty factor. In fact i think all needs should be implemented that way, it makes for a better, less crowded interface while adding to the experience. The only change i would make is making hunger lower your effectiveness with tools and maybe your movement speed (much like being in water reduces your effectiveness, only not to that degree right away).

Thirst: i’ve been thinking about the whole salt water/fresh water deal and i’ve figured the game probably doesn’t make the distinction already (seeing the behaviour is identical, like the texture) so, since i assume creating a whole new class to distinguish the two doesn’t make for good compatibility, i thought this up: First and foremost you should be albe to gather water from anywhere, sea or river, it shouldn’t matter. More importantly, you can gather it from the runoff as well as the spring point without removing it. Much like hitting a cow with a bucket gives you milk without killing the cow.

You can use bowls (already present in the game for mushroom stew), cups (made from stone on the workbench), pottery (I was thinking of this one as a possible new use for clay, but it’s just an idea since clay is extremely rare and has better uses), glass bottles (glass, obviously) and so forth. Each of these has a different capacity, with pottery and glass bottles being the best since they can be created directly bottle-shaped, while wood and stone have to be sculpted.

To work around the idea of the salt/fresh water dychotomy i thought this: nobody who’s smart enough to survive on his own by creating his own survival system drinks the water as he finds it. It has to be filtered at the very least, boiled if possible. So you can use a furnace to purify the water (assuming it’s fresh) or separate it from salt and purify it if it’s sea water. If you make it clear by labelling water you just picked up as “dirty water” or “unpurified water” it should also be fairly intuitive (to anyone with some notion of survivalism anyway). And even then intuitiveness is not minecraft’s strong point, is it?

Meanwhile, if we were to implement the difference between fresh and salt water we could also add a new object: leather+gravel+sand = a filter, which makes the water drinkable but not as good for you and hence makes it only 75% effective (or something along those lines anyway).

Disadvantage of dehidratation should surely be health degeneration and either blurry vision or slower movement. Afterall death by dehidratation is much faster than death by starvation.

Rest: This one is tricky. Resting should obviously contribute, at least partially, to health regeneration, which makes it a great balance issue because of mainly two reasons: a) it makes nights much less of a problem, because you can just rest until the sun is up and you’ll not only be healed but also have avoided most mobs (except the fucking creepers) and b) the player would have to leave the character in bed, since i think it’s not yet possible to have time skip forwards and, even if it was, it wouldn’t be possible in multiplayer (which to me would be the most fitting game type to showcase the full potential of this mod as per the reasons i posted above).

The first problem is actually quite easily balanced by the food and water problems: you can fuck around in bed all you want, you’ll need to eat and drink sooner or later. We should pay specific attention to the regen rate for sleeping in order not to override or balance out the degeneration from thirst. With that taken care of, i see no problem with having the player wait a few minutes in bed. Minecraft’s days aren’t that long and human beings are remarkably sturdy when it comes to not resting. The need for rest should be the one with the lowest degeneration ratio.

Here too we would have to create custom objects, obviously: beds with different levels of comfort. I’d go with leaves as the lowest (using the little twig things that drop when you destroy foliage on a tree or it degenerates after you destroy the last piece of trunk) middle one being hay (obtained as an additional drop from crops) (and maybe cotton if we want to go nuts and add a whole new vegetable) and the best being wool and dove (maybe with the perk of being colourable). It would finally give a reason for existing to wool other than lying around looking pretty and add a whole new level of depth to the game.

Disadvantages of lack of sleep should be blurry vision and weakness, that set in after the equivalent of three ingame days since the last six hours sleep.

I’ve not thought about heat or hygene yet, because they are much more complex concepts that would need bigger modifications, like the introduction of constant area-of-effect for heat sources or objects with contingent uses, for soap in water (plus i have no idea how one would make soap, unless one could use bones, which would need to be dropped from something other than skeletons as well). Plus they’re really minor needs that wouldn’t impact the game as much so i think we should leave them out entirely.

Any thoughts? is there something i said that is not a good idea/should be revised/any of you have particular suggestions about?

P.S. I used “we” because it felt natural while writing it, i’m not implying i’m actually going to work on this because, while i may be able to cook something up, being a computer engineering student and all, i don’t know java and don’t plan on learning it anytime soon. If, as english mothertongues, you find me using “we” is inappropriate in a suggestion, if i don’t actually plan to do jack, tell me so because this is one of those times when my educations fails me miserably.

TexasDude's avatar

Have you sent all that to notch?

Thammuz's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard No, obviously not. If anyone with an idea sent him a message he wouldn’t have the time to do anything other than reading emails. I was thinking of sending it to Xie, the guy who made the hunger mod, after posting it as a mod idea on the forum. Besides notch is on vacation right now.

TexasDude's avatar

@Thammuz, ah gotcha. I don’t know much about Notch, so I wasn’t sure how that worked, exactly.

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