Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

How much time is "space" in a relationship?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) February 14th, 2011

People sometimes want to put things on hold in a relationship because they need their “space.” “Space” was always pretty scary to me because it is waaaay big.

Have you ever asked for space? How much time did you have in mind? What do you think you would mean now, in terms of length of time, if you were asking for space—from a spouse, or a lover, or work, or whatever other kind of relationship you can think of.

I know a lot of us would never ask for space. But if you’re like that, try to imagine what you would mean by “space” if you were in a new relationship—say less than six months old.

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7 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Gimme three steps,gimme three steps mister and you’ll never see me no mo….
I usually don’t ask for space as it is the final frontier. ;)
Waste of f’n time,IMO

Cruiser's avatar

IMO it never hurts to take a step back for a breather if the need is there. Might just give you the chance to see things for what they really are.

12Oaks's avatar

With past relationships, asking for space could easily have been measure in weeks. I’m now married, have been for a while, so space has shrank down to an hour or two to maybe a whole evening or day.

downtide's avatar

I’ve never needed to ask for space, but I do ask for time to do my own things. My partner and I have out own hobbies that we pursue separately, and our own circles of friends that don’t overlap, and we both have time each week to pursie those interests as well as ones we share. Living in each others’ pockets 24/7 would drive me nuts.

Aster's avatar

In a marriage, it might mean a divorce is desired. If just dating, it’s pretty drastic to say , IMO.
It implies someone is being smothered or is annoyed. To me, if someone said, “I need some space” I think it would be the beginning of the end. It’s sort of like getting separated. Some people resume the marriage but most never do.

VS's avatar

How much time does space equal? I’d say until the cows come home assuming you live in New York City… when people want space, it usually means that’s where they wish you were—in space!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’ve not ever asked a partner for space/time off in an established relationship but I’ve been asked to give space of a day or two. It was strange to me but lasted only so long as my partner took to feel trusting and comfortable, a few months.

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